Monday, November 12, 2012

Scottish Independence; leaked secret report says 'SNP must change its attitude to win independence vote', SNP crony ridden campaign imploding due to own stupidity

Dear All

It seems that the people in the Scottish Independence Convention have come round to the George Laird view; the SNP has mishandling the independence debate.

The SIC effectively say that Salmond and Sturgeon need to change the way they approach independence to attempt to win in 2014.

Right from the outset, the sheer incompetence has been breathtaking in its magnitude, from the disastrous start at the ‘Declaration of Cineworld’; the Campaign has steadily lurched from disaster to disaster.

On the ‘historic’ signing of the Edinburgh deal to run the referendum, 13 people turned up to the venue.

13 was the high point, former SNP MSP Shirley-Anne Somerville now at Yes Scotland cited security for the lack of attendance. She was royally mocked by Gordon Brewer from Newsnight Scotland. He said people could walk up to the barrier unopposed, and see everything.

Yes Scotlland the supposed independent campaign is seen by many as nothing more than Yes Salmond, a crony ridden pit of SNP people and middle class hangers on.

Support for a Yes vote is sliding in the polls, due to the stupidity and arrogance of the SNP Government who we are learning haven’t done any of the work required.

They have completely botched this campaign, we know they done nothing on the EU, but it transpires they have done nothing on the other major institutions that an independent Scotland would need to be in either.

Unionist parties are escalating their attacks, precisely because despite the hot air and bluster of Salmond, push through that, there is no substance, no work done and no vision.

In recognising the scale of the debacle, the Scottish Independence Convention (SIC) has published a previously secret paper on the state of the campaign.

And the campaign is in a right state, sinking like the Titanic on her maiden voyage, as the SNP steer towards the iceberg on the assumption that it will move. SIC even comes out with the undeniable truth that the SNP attitudes could be a "barrier" to success. 

The secret report highlights that the independence movement is weak, divided and nervous.

Patrick Harvie of the Greens is also concerned about direction of travel which he intends to bring up at the next Yes Scotland board meeting as a member, also one sided and SNP crony ridden.

The campaign is fractured and heading towards a potential backlash against the SNP for hogging all the power.

We already have "a fatally fragmented campaign" it just isn’t public enough yet!

One SIC source said the secret document has been circulated among the SNP hierarchy for several weeks in the hope that if made public this will somehow snap the SNP out of a "death spiral".

The source said:

"The reason we're putting this out is that we're losing and everybody knows it. Everybody in the indy movement knows we're going backwards, not forwards. The SNP is panicking."

The reason for panicking is the Salmond/ Sturgeon poisonous nasty little clique, although ‘scolympian’ at arse licking can’t come up with ideas. No dynamic thinking among the clique, and ideas, truth and vision are the currency of this debate.

So what is the solution to the problem; there needs to be a clear out of Yes Scotland so that it is not SNP dominated both at board and staff level.

 Yes Scotland needs to replace Blair Jenkins who has proven to be woeful and appoint someone who has a vision of an independent Scotland and who isn’t just a parrot with an SNP script handed to him.

Better Together said:

"The SNP may want the people of Scotland to vote for a pig in a poke; we won't allow them to get away with it."

Can’t say I am at all surprised at this latest episode, more and more people will come round to my view that this campaign is a disaster, the blame lies squarely with Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

This is their entire fault, this isn’t seen as a people’s campaign, and it is run as a clique, ‘designed by the rich, run by the rich for the benefit of the rich’.

After the people of Scotland get through kicking Alex Salmond’s political arse in 2014, someone may ask him, ‘how’s your political ass cheeks son’! 

To which he may reply that they are ‘better together!’

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


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