Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Human rights abusing Glasgow University admits internal reform plans ‘over-ambitious’, no shit Sherlock, corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli Principal

Dear All

It seems that down at the human rights abusing Glasgow University they have over-reaching themselves by trying to be creative.

Having spent 20 years at ‘University of Guantanamo Bay’, I was used to seeing fu*k up after fu*k up after fu*k up.

One reason I believed was the university became a crony infested pit.

Simple minded fu*ks have been employed who have a ‘key’ skill.

Burying themselves in other people’s asses and drawing breath only to tell their 'guru' how wonderful they are.

It was one of the deeply unpleasant sights to witness at the university, I didn’t involve myself in such behaviour while working as a fitness coach because unlike others who wanted to be the ‘pals’ of the students and staff, I actually had skills.

I taught fitness and weight training in my youth on a purely charitable basis and was the best in my field.

There was no competition during my time there; the fitness staff even had to go to my training partners for advice on how to better lay out their gym.

Anyway, the biggest reform of the institution for decades hasn’t gone well, with an internal report saying the move to replace nine academic faculties with four colleges in one year was "over-ambitious".

Bad news for corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli!

Doesn't seem like brains are embedded does it?

Senior vice-principal and Vet school character Andrea Nolan also said the financial climate was not ideal.

So speaks the 'voice of wisdom', someone probably told her what a great job she done writing it.

Big thinking isn’t the same as sticking your arm up a cow’s arse Nolan, it takes vision, planning and possibly real genius.

Any halfwit can stand on the sidelines and snipe when it goes wrong.

I always said that if the photocopiers ever breakdown at Glasgow University, then senior management would be effectively paralysed.

'University of Guantanamo Bay' recently was crying over £20 million of cuts which led to voluntary redundancies seeing 264 staff leaving.

Those at the top, saw ‘the trough’ fully protected.

As well as the ‘big idea’ there was another dead donkey roaming about called MyCampus, which sucked up significant numbers of staff being tied up developing a controversial £14m student enrolment website.

The numbers were less than those who hit the beaches on the 6th June 1944 in Normandy; they at least were going forward.

Not fighting a rearguard action.

The workload was said to be putting a great strain on staff because of an increased workload.

Nolan's report said the university had been responding to "major budgetary pressures due to the deteriorating economic climate and public funding situation".

Wow, all that education and the ability to state the bleeding obvious, what a great pity her Veterinary trained mind couldn’t have spoken up before the problems started.

The report summed up by saying:

"The introduction of the new structure was undertaken against a backdrop of significant change, both as a result of internal commitment to delivering the strategy and as a result of funding changes in the external environment”.

Translated, it was the wrong time to start a project because we are skint.

Nolan added:

"With hindsight, the senior management group was overly optimistic about what it wished to achieve within the associated time-scales, given the range of other projects that were planned and those that had to be initiated as a result of changes in the external environment."

Senior management is led by David Newall who I never found to be very bright in my dealings with him.

Not very bright with an attitude problem!

Dave Anderson, president of the Glasgow University branch of the UCU lecturers' union, said:

"We have called on senior management to do more to address the concerns of staff that are overburdened as a result of restructuring and to provide the support required to ensure the university's reputation is maintained in coming years."

Years ago while trawling through the University Court Minutes; my eye was caught by a proposal to increase the number of foreign students which could only be to create a cash cow culture to increase revenue.

The university has continued to move towards this principle.

In 2009 a paper prepared for the university's court stressed the importance of streamlining university management to ensure money was spent improving the university's performance.

Presumably some of the lower echelons were to be moved about and possibly out, it was a time to keep your head or pressed to someone senior’s arse in much the same way as troops landed on Omaha beach heads were buried in the sand as mortars and machine gun fire raked the beach.

The paper said:

"Compared to those universities currently in the world's top 50 we have relatively poor international and postgraduate student numbers, our research is not published consistently in journals - and our research capability is not regarded as highly by our peers."

I remember a PhD student telling me the story of someone trying to publish the same stuff twice in an academic journal and a bit of a hue and cry about it.

It was a very sordid episode indeed in Glasgow University history.

The PhD student also added that Sport Science pioneered to some extent at Glasgow University was a ‘load of wank’ and these people weren’t real scientists.

Some people produced a paper on the benefits of using an escalator instead of the stairs by putting up a poster at the bottom, as someone who was a fitness coach; I was appalled that such low grade shit would even be considered to be published.

And anyone would want their name associated with it.

To return to the main issue, a Glasgow University paid spokesman said:

"We are confident that the University of Glasgow is now well placed academically and financially and will continue to deliver world-class teaching and research and the best all-round experience for our students”.

Including institutional bullying, discrimination, harassment, malpractice and criminal fraud, they can’t even do that properly without getting caught out.

This post shows in detail how corrupt, stupid and arrogant so called ‘educated’ people are, publicly beaten by a student doing a 20 credit Egyptology course.

Another red letter day for corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, another bridge too far!

Still there is the big salary, car, uni chauffeur and Principal’s house to be had.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It's a sorry state of affairs up at the university these days. Muscatelli should be sacked. His idea of putting the place on a sound financial footing is to make people redundant and hawk degrees to the army of Chinese plagiarists, sorry, students currently on campus. Time was when Glasgow was a university with a diverse student body, from all over the planet. Now it's a Chinese social club with a few classrooms.

  2. Dear James

    To address your points as you wrote them.

    “It's a sorry state of affairs up at the university these days”.

    It always was, I spent 20 years seeing people with no talent getting promoted, in certain departments it was always the ‘in house’ candidate who got the job.

    If you check back, you will see the situation was probably exactly the same, a shambles, the shambles may change but because of cronyism, it is the natural state of affairs.

    “Muscatelli should be sacked”.

    Totally agree, he isn't a leader of men in my opinion.

    “His idea of putting the place on a sound financial footing is to make people redundant and hawk degrees to the army of Chinese plagiarists, sorry, students currently on campus”.

    As to the ‘idea’, if you check back to the court minutes you will see that increasing foreign students was on the agenda before Muscatelli became Principal, he was on the campus at the time though.

    As to Chinese students being plagiarists, I don’t think that is true, I knew many Chinese students at the University during my time, always hard working.

    Plagiarism isn’t restricted to any ethnic group and I feel that is a bit too strong on your part, possibly you were slightly emotional when venting.

    It is not the fault of Chinese students wanting a degree coming to Glasgow and they do tend to stick together because of common language etc but not all, some get involved in the mix with others.

    “Time was when Glasgow was a university with a diverse student body, from all over the planet. Now it's a Chinese social club with a few classrooms”.

    During my time as a GUSA Coach, it was very diverse; I taught people from many countries, as to the current mix of the campus, I am not up to date.

    The University is targeting students from China, 30 years ago; it was Norwegians who were there in large numbers doing engineering because of the oil in the North Sea.

    This is my gripe; the University couldn’t beat me on facts as I proved my case.

    The place is totally corrupt to the core.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. George, certainly not being emotional. The Chinese certainly don't have a monopoly on plagiarism but they are among the biggest culprits, seemingly for cultural reasons. So much so that universities now have to educate incoming students on the issue. Now, my view is that the presence of huge numbers of Chinese students is just another example of the university's corrupt desire to make a buck no matter what the cost. Consider the on-campus presence of the Confucius Institute - a propaganda body within the Chinese government. They come with cash, but expect much in return - not just a degree. I fear the corruption of which you so eloquently speak is only just getting started.

    Oh, I saw that wee shite Finnegan crossing Highburn Road the other night. Sorry to report my throttle pedal is a bit sticky.

  4. Dear James

    “George, certainly not being emotional”.

    If I was making a point on plagiarism, I don’t think I would have written my concern in the same way.

    As I said, I knew many Chinese students who were incredibly hard working in various degree courses, as a fitness coach (unpaid) I saw the world pass through the Stevenson building.

    “The Chinese certainly don't have a monopoly on plagiarism but they are among the biggest culprits, seemingly for cultural reasons”.

    I can’t say that I am at all familiar on this subject to any degree so I have to bow to your experience and knowledge.

    “So much so that universities now have to educate incoming students on the issue”.

    I would be surprised if there was a specific group targeted for this, mainly because the university struggles to get off its arse and do the right thing regarding anything in my experience.

    “Now, my view is that the presence of huge numbers of Chinese students is just another example of the university's corrupt desire to make a buck no matter what the cost”.

    When I came to Glasgow in the mid 80’s the place was full of Norwegians, when trends in science, technology and developing countries emerge, this changes the make up of the university.

    “Consider the on-campus presence of the Confucius Institute - a propaganda body within the Chinese government. They come with cash, but expect much in return - not just a degree”.

    I am not familiar with this organisation but given the political situation in China, they may promote certain values.

    The vast majority of my time either in the library or at the gym, in some respects being a counsellor to students. Since I knew lots of people, I was well placed because of my status in the Stevenson to point people in the right direction for help.

    Unfortunately the Stevenson staff hated my guts and led a campaign against me to the extent of trying to get students to lie about me. One Asian medical student told the staff to fuck off when asked to lie about me taking money for teaching.

    One time Ann McPhail, a PhD student, international athlete and paid graduate assistant approached a female student to ask her why she went to George Laird to get me to teach her rather than the staff.

    The student replied, ‘because George is like a proper instructor’.

    Ann McPhail, a PhD student, international athlete and paid graduate assistant tail between her legs sloped off.

    I had many successful students during my time who went on to compete at Olympic, British, Scottish and international level.

    “I fear the corruption of which you so eloquently speak is only just getting started”.

    The plan for increasing foreign student numbers isn’t a new thing, I used to go through the Court Minutes to see what these people did for a living; this idea was floated a decade ago.

    “Oh, I saw that wee shite Finnegan crossing Highburn Road the other night”.

    You saw the ‘greatest living janitor' who used to speak about philosophy and got caught with a machete in his locker by security, what a rare treat. Finnegan used to think he was a weight training instructor, he wasn't cut out to teach.

    He used to talk about Homer; I had no time for Homer or any other Simpson (that’s a joke). It is a pity you didn’t get talking to him, you could have asked about the female SRS staff member who filed a complaint against him for threatening her with violence. She was made to sign a gagging order by the uni.

    He was such a hero to those who were in his ‘little gang’ in the Stevie.

    “Sorry to report my throttle pedal is a bit sticky”.

    Now, to draw your attention to something serious, under the Construction and Use Regulations 1974, I have to tell you it appears you are driving a defective vehicle with a throttle pedal that is a bit sticky, could cause an accident, best get that checked out for safety reasons.

    I used to read law books.

    Have a merry xmas and a happy new year.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. Dear George, Have a good Christmas and New Year. Keep up the good work.

  6. Dear James

    Same to you and your family.

    I don't think Glasgow University share the same sentiment regarding my blog, each day Mon to Fri, they pop in several times a day to see what I am writing. This is conducted by their Media/PR department. You could FOI them for how many visits.

    I don't think I am as popular as I could be, and the bastards still haven't returned the fees stolen from me or dealt with the bullying and discrimination, I documented.

    They once hinted and threatened legal action via their lawyers, I replied looked forward to seeing them in court.

    My case is tighter than a duck's arse legally.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
