Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Labour Party member Jonathan May-Bowles attacks Rupert Murdoch at hearing before Media Committee, a really stupid petty act by a clown!

Dear All

Yesterday was a day of high drama.

The Murdoch family appeared before MPs to answer questions.

The only disappointing aspect of the proceedings was an idiot called Jonathan May-Bowles who attacked Rupert Murdoch.

This according to some gave Murdoch the sympathy vote, painting him as a victim.

He was hit in the face by a paper plate with shaving foam.

After that all the public were kicked out of the hearing because of the actions of one man.

And he should get done and prosecuted for common assault and breach of the peace.

As Murdoch got attacked his wife Wendi Deng jumped up and slapped protester Jonathan May-Bowles hard across the face in dramatic scenes during the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee hearing.

May-Bowles is a Labour Party member.

And fronts as a comedian known as Jonnie Marbles.

The Labour Party has immediately suspended him.

And he will probably get expelled, too high profile and at some point in the future Labour and News International will try and make up.

For the Tories this crisis threatens to further engulf David Cameron’s premiership.

One thing which is noticeable is the lack of support from Boris Johnson to Tory Ministers for David Cameron.

Cameron isn’t popular.

Trouble, Cameron and Murdoch all said in the same sentence seems natural after the Conservative Party was forced last night to admit his former communications chief Andy Coulson had consulted hacking suspect Neil Wallis, a former deputy editor of the News of the World, before last year’s General Election.

Wallis wasn’t paid but things look really black.

Cameron’s crew have tried to switch the spotlight on George Osborne by saying Osborne recommended Coulson to Cameron.

David Cameron’s surprise link to Mr Wallis came as he touched down in the UK last night ahead of a crunch statement to Parliament today to save his premiership.

Cameron will survive but this scandal has damaged his authority and standing in the party despite agreeing to all the measures asked of him.

But he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do so.

David Cameron by sheer bad luck has to face serious questions over the hiring of Mr Coulson as the Number 10 Communication Chief.

He said that he gave Coulson a second chance because he believes people should be given it in life.

I can’t fault that sentiment but Cameron should have done better checks rather than accept Coulson’s word that he was trouble free.

As we have seen there is definitely a stink around Coulson that is growing, Sean Hoare who has turned up suddenly dead said Coulson knew of phone hacking in a panorama interview.

This places him in the firing line, but can he dodge the bullet in a trial?

We will have to wait and see if the Police investigation leads to charges against him.

And Cameron is at the centre of a web to everything via his links.

Today, David Cameron has told MPs that "with hindsight" he would not have hired ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson.

In the closest he has come to an apology, Cameron said:

"Of course I regret, and I am extremely sorry, about the furore it has caused."

And that is the close yet he has come to a public apology.

He regrets but still hasn’t apologised.

BBC political correspondent Gary O'Donoghue said "bit by bit, Mr Cameron is cutting Mr Coulson further adrift".

Bad news for Andy Coulson!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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