Wednesday, July 20, 2011

David Cameron says he received no specific warnings about Andy Coulson, Labour MPs Tom Watson and John Prescott both sent letters, no replies

Dear All

David Cameron’s premiership has been completely ruined, he will go on but he is fatally damaged.

And you can see that by the lack of support he is getting from Cabinet Ministers and Boris Johnson, the London Mayor.

Cameron says no one warned him about Andy Coulson, but there were two letters sent directly to him by Labour MPs, Tom Watson and John Prescott.

Here is the Prescott letter in full.

‘Dear Mr Cameron

I am writing to express my deep concern about the allegations in today's Guardian newspaper.

The claim that up to 3,000 people, including myself, had their mobile phones "hacked" on the instruction of the News of the World while being edited by your director of communications, Andy Coulson, must be thoroughly investigated.

I'm glad to see that thanks to my calls, the Metropolitan police, the culture, media and sport select committee and the Press Complaints Commission are now investigating these claims.

But I'm surprised about your reaction to these serious allegations.

Last night, you were said to be "very relaxed" about the case. And this morning you said you had no intention of sacking Coulson, adding: "Of course I knew about the resignation before offering him the job. But I believe in giving people a second chance."
But since your statement, it's been announced that the Metropolitan police are investigating the allegations, and the culture, media and sport select committee will reopen its inquiry into News International and mobile phone hacking.

The chair of that select committee, John Whittingdale, has said that the Guardian's allegations raise "very serious concerns" and that it would probably call on Coulson to give evidence.

The former Sunday Times editor Andrew Neil, who worked closely with Rupert Murdoch and News International, has already said that under Coulson it appears the News of the World newsroom was "out of control" and that he was either "incompetent or complicit".

You now appear to be the only person satisfied with Coulson's role while every other relevant authority is investigating the claims.

In light of this, will you ensure that Coulson fully co-operates with the select committee and, if called, attends to give evidence.

Finally, I must say that I feel your "very relaxed" attitude to these allegations seriously calls your judgment into question.

If they are true, Coulson is not fit to enter government as your director of communications if you are elected or, indeed, remain in his current post.

I look forward to your prompt reply as a matter of urgency.

Yours sincerely

Rt Hon John Prescott MP’

David Cameron is a liability, he made a serious error of judgment and he was warned on two occasions by way of letters.

Cameron has said he received no specific warnings about Coulson while he was working at No. 10.

Enter stage left Tom Watson and John Prescott who are able to immediately cite letters sent in 2009 and 2010.

Both received no reply.

And kept their letters on file, David Cameron’s future looks bleak as he tries to rewrite history.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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