Friday, May 6, 2011

Jo Yeates murder, neighbour Vincent Tabak wants to plead guilty to manslaughter, the Crown Prosecution elect to go to trial, good call by them.

Dear All

To leave politics and last night’s result to one side for a moment if you read this blog regularly you will have read my comments on the Jo Yeates murder case.

A high profile case which dominated the press for some time because of the lost of a young woman who had a bright future was cruelly snuffed out.

In total I wrote four posts on this subject.

On the 7th January 2011, I wrote a post:

In that post, I said:

“The question is why was she transported to Longwood Lane after she was killed?If she was killed by person or persons unknown then why take what would be an unacceptable risk and move her?And then leave her in an area where she would be found, then perhaps whoever done it wanted her found.She was moved for a reason, so that is what the Police need to establish as part of their inquiry that reason.You could easily theorise that Jo Yeates was killed by someone she knew as 90% of murders are committed by someone who knows their victim and moved to draw attention away from the flat and surrounding area”.

George Laird was right again.

Her next door neighbour has been charged with the murder of Jo Yeates, whose body was found near Bristol on Christmas Day and admitted killing her.

He is wants to plead guilty manslaughter but denies murder.

Vincent Tabak, 33, is accused of killing the landscape architect who disappeared on 17 December after going for drinks with colleagues.

The Crown prosecution has rightly refused to accept Tabak's manslaughter plea and a murder trial will go ahead on 4 October.

Tabak, a Dutch national will probably be found guilty of murder and will be going to prison for a long time.

He has appeared via video link from HMP Long Lartin in Worcestershire where he spoke only to confirm his name and to say he was content for proceedings to continue in English without an interpreter, before entering his pleas.

He was straight away remanded in custody to face trial at Bristol Crown Court.

Miss Yeates's parents David and Theresa were in court for the hearing.

A sad case indeed!

It was quite easy to work out from the evidence what happened to Jo Yeates and 13 days before Tabak was arrested I focussed on the key aspects of the case.

The solution to the crime was as I said lay back at 44 Canyage Road, Bristol.

And George Laird has a good track record of being objective on such things.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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