Friday, April 1, 2011

SNP Health Minister Nicola Sturgeon hails prescription charges axe, she abolishes tax on the sick, a bitter pill for Labour’s Jackie Baillie

Dear All

They say that there are a lot of things you can buy with money but good health isn’t one of them.

Scotland 2011, SNP Government has delivered.

People living in Scotland can now enjoy a new era of health care free at the point of need.

Which is what the founding principles of the NHS were based and what Labour abandoned in favour of privatisation.

Prescription charges have been abolished today.

And this is no April fool joke, it’s the real deal.

SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon, the Glasgow Southside candidate said that the abolition of prescription charges "shows what an SNP Government working for Scotland can do".

On a visit to a Glasgow pharmacy, she said:

"Today, Scotland gets fairer. As a result of electing an SNP government four years ago prescription charges have been abolished and we can herald in a new era of health care free at the point of need. The SNP are the only party with a record of commitment to no prescription charges”.

She added:

"Under Labour, prescriptions cost nearly £7, under the Tories and Lib Dems in England they are £7.40”.

On top of that a living wage has also been introduced for NHS employees.

And more, injured veterans now qualify for the free bus pass service, Ms Sturgeon said.

She said:

"Today also sees the introduction of a living wage of £7.15 to the NHS making the health service fairer, the extension of concessionary travel to injured veterans and the fourth year of a council-tax freeze making life in Scotland fairer for all and saving over £300 for the average family. The SNP's commitment to fairness extends across life in Scotland."

We have the best Health Minister ever in the shape of Nicola Sturgeon.

Scottish people value stability, competence and innovation, come May 5th, we have to save our health service.

That means we have to ensure that Nicola Sturgeon is returned in the Glasgow Southside seat with a massive majority.

Nicola Sturgeon has stood up for Glasgow, £842 million brand new state of the art hospital at the Southern General, 365 days a year, 24/7 serving 110,000 people a year.

Now, it is time that Glasgow stood up for her.

In Glasgow Southside, Vote Nicola Sturgeon, Vote SNP!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Sturgeon spent most of her political career as a parasitic, 'quizling' list MSP.
    The perfect storm that brought her to power has long gone.
    In the words that many govanites may be famillar with.... "Govan Says No!"

  2. Dear Anon

    “Sturgeon spent most of her political career as a parasitic, 'quizling' list MSP.
    The perfect storm that brought her to power has long gone.
    In the words that many govanites may be famillar with.... "Govan Says No!"

    As many people know I am a fair judge of people.

    You’re wrong in your assessment, completely wrong.

    Nicola Sturgeon gets my seal of approval.

    Not because she is SNP Deputy Leader.

    Not because she is Deputy First Minister.

    Not because she is Health Minister.

    And in these roles she has done a great job, particularly on health.

    Nicola Sturgeon gets my seal of approval because I have seen with my own eyes that she is willing to work with the rank and file activists.

    And not just when the cameras are there!

    That is the truth; I saw her one night in my local area helping to deliver leaflets to voters.

    For the benefit of someone else standing for election to public office!

    That is Nicola Sturgeon.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Delivering leaflets is part of the job. Especially when your constituents wont vote for you.
    I will give her one piece of praise, from personal experience I know that she too has limited patience with the rabid nationalist, Braveheart end of the party.
