Friday, April 1, 2011

Absolute disgrace to public office, Gordon Brown’s attendance and work record is attacked by Tories, he should resign or be forced out

Dear All

It is not often I agree with the Tories but this time they have a point.

Gordon Brown is the 'stay away' MP.

Elected in 2010, he has insulted his party, his voters, his constituency and House of Commons by his deliberate neglect of attending the House of Commons to take part.

At present Gordon Brown is more interested in making money than doing his duties to the House.

Brown was last night attacked by a Conservative MP who is highlight his “continued absence” from Westminster.

Nigel Adams, the Conservative MP for Selby and Ainsty in Yorkshire, said:

“Gordon Brown left the country on the brink of bankruptcy so that we are now having to clean up the mess Labour left behind. His continued absence from the House of Commons is insulting to his own constituents and the country.”

Records show that since the General Election, Mr Brown, who represents Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, has made one speech in the Commons, on the subject of aircraft carriers.

That’s it!

And it gets worse, he has asked eight written parliamentary questions, made one appearance at a committee, and taken part in 27 out of 236 votes.

27 out of 236 votes!

His actions show why there should be a recall option so that MPs are forced to do their job.

Ben Wallace, the ex-MSP and now Conservative MP for Lancaster, said:

“He should ask himself the question whether or not his heart is really in it.”

Clearly Brown who claimed to have a moral compass isn’t interested in being an MP.

He is using the position for financial gain, as a base to launch his cottage industry of Brown for hire!

Even a staunch paper, The Herald has tried repeatedly to get a response to the criticism from Mr Brown’s office without success.

This is a problem that isn’t going away.

Tom Greatrex, the Shadow Scotland Office Minister and MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West, told The Herald:

“Gordon Brown is working hard for his constituents, including on a number of projects seeking to create and sustain jobs in the area he represents. Nigel Adams would do better to persuade his Tory colleagues in Government to change tack on their reckless economic policies that are damaging Fife and the rest of Scotland rather than this pathetic obsession.”

Tom Greatrex is talking out his arse!

27 out of 236 votes!

Gordon Brown should have the common decency to resign.

Or legislation should be brought in to offer voters the automatic right for a recall.

The people of Fife deserve a full time MP because that is what they are paying for by way of their taxes.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. As it would be constituents who demanded the recall, not the Liebour Party, there wouldn't be any point. His local Zanu branch would select him again. The eejits in his ward reelect him. No result, taxpayers money wasted.

    I think you need to hope he finds that moral compass he used to pretend to have.

  2. He used to be Prime Minister and because of that he had very little contact with his constituents, he is just trying to focus on them is that a crime? Thatcher continued to be a MP after she lost her premiership and she very very rarely if ever turned up in Westminster. If the Iron Lady didn't how could you expect Brown to? Man up and realise that the constituents do actually matter and its not all about attending Parliament when he's actually only a backbencher now.
