Thursday, April 14, 2011

PM David Cameron says he wants to put a stop to mass Immigration, its time to have the argument regarding internal immigration in EU and beyond

Dear All

The cost of the Labour Party’s social engineering experiment to allow immigration to spiral out of control under the guise of building a strong economy has polarised the UK.

But speaking out on the subject brings with it the threat of being branding and tagged as racist.

The Tories and Prime Minister David Cameron have a problem with the influx of migrants putting "real pressures" on schools, hospitals and housing.

The problem can be tinkered with in this country but as I previously blogged, things have gotten so out of hand that it has to be fixed at the European Union level.

We need an internal immigration policy in the EU so that anyone travelling to another country for the purposes of work must have resources or a job to go to sustain them.

New levels of immigration into the UK must be more strictly controlled.

And the bogus asylum and illegal immigrant problem must be dealt with.

Anyone who travels into Britain by way of another EU country to claim asylum must be returned to the EU country that they came from.

No exceptions, automatic deportation.

Anyone caught illegally in the UK to have all assets seized and deported immediately, property, cars, money, possessions confiscated under the proceeds of crime legislation.

Cameron at present is setting out the Government's plan to reduce the number coming to the UK but he needs to think bigger.

He is saying that communities faced "discomfort and disjointedness" where migrants had been unwilling to learn English and integrate.

The Labour Party experiment of multiculturalism has been a failure here as it has been across Europe.

It isn’t many cultures one country but one culture one country.

Although Cameron is making his strongest attack on mass immigration in his six years as Tory leader, this isn’t enough has it is too piecemeal.

Immigration needs to be fair but transgressions need to be harsh and draconian.

Cameron told a Tory meeting in Hampshire today:

"Above all, I want to get the policy right - I want good immigration, not mass immigration and I think a vast amount of people in this country want that too".

He is correct, I am people to come here but not just the skilled like lawyers and doctors, other people should get a chance at other levels but within a fair system.

Past policies under the Labour Party have undermined communities and allowed extremist parties to flourish because of parties trying to turn minorities into votes caches.

These people put party before country.

We have seen the development and creation of ghettos in some towns and cities were people don’t mix separated by race.

And we have also see and allowed anti-immigrant groups like the British National Party to take hold.

All because people in the Labour Party won’t stop the social engineering and ignored ordinary people in the UK right across the board.

Cameron's comments have caused uproar among the Lib Dems.

Ex Labour Glasgow Councillor and Coalition Business Secretary Vince Cable said the prime minister's choice of words was "very unwise".

Cable said:

"I do understand there is an election coming but talk of mass immigration risks inflaming the extremism to which he and I are both strongly opposed. Much of the remaining immigration from outside the European Union is crucial to British recovery and growth. That's why the cabinet collectively agreed to support British business and British universities by exempting overseas students and essential staff from the cap on non-EU immigration."

Cable fails to understand the wider picture in his ivory tower.

The solution needed is go raise the issue of internal immigration within the EU so it can be properly addressed.

The Lib Dems are dying in the polls; on this issue they don’t represent the views of the British people and are on the wrong side of the argument.

We have a corrupt country and dysfunctional society and it’s all the fault of weak politicians who are more concerned about protecting their electoral position rather than standing up and speaking out.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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