Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alex Salmond and the SNP launch election manifesto in Glasgow vowing five-year council tax freeze, blows Labour Party out of the water!

Dear All

Today sees the launch of the SNP Manifesto in Glasgow by Alex Salmond setting out the Team SNP vision of a fairer Scotland.

It was a manifesto that dropped a huge bombshell for ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray and the Labour team.

5 more years of Council tax freezes!

You can read the full manifesto here.

This manifesto will put the Labour Party on the back foot; do they match the 5 year pledge after copying the SNP previous 2 year pledge?

The party's manifesto also pledges to create a "renewables revolution".

130,000 low carbon jobs created.

100% energy from renewables by 2020.

A guaranteed of protection for spending on the NHS.

An independence referendum in the next parliament to allow Scotland to be a free Country again!

It is time to leave the English Empire.

SNP Leader Alex Salmond said he had a vision of a "free, just and independent Scotland".

And that certainly hasn’t happened under the Labour Party.

In Glasgow, the Labour Council of shame is run for the benefit of Labour politicians, family, friends, associates and Labour donors.

The SNP can be rightly proud of a tremendous record of achievement in government.

A promised £2.5bn programme will finance capital projects.

Other commitments:

100,000 training opportunities a year

25,000 apprenticeships

New school building investment.

All in all, it is the manifesto to beat that makes every other party’s attempts to set out their stall look rather embarrassing.

Alex Salmond promised to "do our best to kick ass for Scotland", a reference to the newest party supporter, Scottish comic book author, Mark Millar of Kick-Ass fame.
One ass that his already taking a kicking is ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray!

Outwitted and outmanoeuvred at every turn, the Labour Party plan to mirror SNP policies has back fired.

Does London Labour now re-write the Labour Manifesto again for a second time?

It brings a song to your heart:

O flower of Scotland
When will we see
Your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Iain Gray’s Labour army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again
The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still
O'er land that is lost now
Which those so dearly held
And stood against him
Iain Gray’s Labour army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again
Those days are passed now
And in the past they must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the nation again
And stood against him
Iain Gray’s Labour army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

Scotland is on the move now; we have finally shed the poison that is the London Labour Party ruling by proxy.

Glasgow Labour Councillors will be worried about whether they will still have seats at the next year Glasgow City Council Election.

It’s all to play for and the message to Scotland is clear.

Vote SNP on May 5th and play your part to make our country better.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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