Saturday, March 12, 2011

Labour Council told to axe extra payments for sitting on aleos, doesn’t solve the problem, Labour Councillors will seek work elsewhere, duh!

Dear All

Corrupt Scotland.

We all live in it every day.

The Labour Party has been at the front of cronyism and self serving privilege.

As such the qaungo system is riddled with their placemen and women who scoop vast sums of money for their limited talent.

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

But bad news is on the horizon for the Labour Party, particular in Glasgow.

Run by a Labour Councillor of shame!

The practice of Glasgow councillors awarding themselves additional payments for sitting on arm’s-length organisations (Aleos) is on the agenda to be scrapped, Government advisors have demanded.

Advisors have urged ministers to accelerate axing the controversial system, which sees mostly members of the Labour-run administration awarded top-up salaries of up to £20,000 a year.

Effectively doubling their Councillor salary in a single stroke!

The Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee has asked the Government to scrap Aleo salaries in Glasgow.

This is the only council in Scotland to pay councillors for sitting on such bodies, set up by the disgraced Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell for the benefit of Glasgow Labour Party.

The report states:

“Despite meeting with Glasgow City Council on two occasions and corresponding with them we have been given no justifiable reason why councillors should receive an enhanced salary solely for serving as directors on the board of an Aleo and we cannot support continuation of this practice.”

Ian Livingstone, chairman of the Remuneration Committee, said:

“The current practice of paying additional sums to councillors for serving on Aleos, often for doing a similar job as they did on council committees, completely undermines the integrity of the national remuneration scheme.”

The top ups were used by Purcell to support an elaborate system of political patronage to keep his power base secure from potential plotters to the throne!

In the administration of the damned some insiders have admitted the payments remain the glue which holds the Labour group together.

Cash will do that, a place at the trough is still a place at the trough.

With the sacking of Labour Councillor of shame William O’Rourke from two aleos, two Labour Councillors of shame will be presenting themselves for extra trough rights as £17k is on the table.

In much as chopping payments is sensible, we should remember that you get what you pay for.

And Councillors do not work a 9 to 5 job; if you want a good councillor pay a good wage.

If Labour Councillors of shame don’t get it at the Council they will simply turn their positions into part time and seek extra employment to support themselves.

And Glasgow will be the poorer for it.

That is why the wage of a Councillor should be set at £30,000.

We need to stamp out nepotism but replacing it with apathy isn’t a viable alternative.

The Labour Party corrupted the system, but is it sensible that the Scottish Government should go to the other extreme?

Some people need to grow on both sides and stop being so petty.

These changes dressed as constructive are petty politics.

And don’t serve Glasgow or its people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. I see your point but still think this maybe a hard sell.
