Thursday, March 17, 2011

Human rights abusing Glasgow University see staff walkout and protest over pensions, ‘War on Muscatelli’ is in the interests of the people of Scotland

Dear All

It seems that the human rights abusing Glasgow University isn’t a place of happiness anymore!

Staff and students are in revolt against a corrupt senior management.

The latest row to hit the public domain is over pensions.

Staff at Glasgow University on the war path and taking industrial action in protest against proposed changes to their pension schemes!

Human rights abusing Glasgow University wants to introduce changes that would reduce pension benefits and increase costs.

More than 40 staff manned the picket lines outside the University of Glasgow's campus in the city on Thursday with their numbers set to swell.

David Anderson, who is the UCU president at the university, said:

"The dispute today is about pensions. It is an attempt to bring the employers back to the table. The university want to save money and the changes would mean the removal of final salary pension schemes. This would mean staff would have to pay more and receive considerably less once they've retired."

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli is doing alright pension wise.

Anderson said he believes that the number of protestors could reach around 1,000 staff in a walkout at the university.

He said the motivation for staff would "inevitably suffer" if the changes to the pension scheme were pushed through.

And he is right; you get what you pay in teaching.

Anderson added:

"Students realise they need staff who are motivated, staff who aren't valued and feel they are not valued by their employer will inevitably look for employment elsewhere."

Several students also joined the picket line at the University of Glasgow.

Liam Turbett said:

"We've come out today to show support for our lecturers who are striking to defend their pensions, but obviously it's part of a much wider attack on education which we've seen at Glasgow. Students and staff need to present a united front against staff and course cuts."

Recently staff had a vote of no confidence in corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, who didn’t take the hint he should go for the benefit not just of the university but for Scotland.

Having a corrupt foreigner in charge of a university is a bad thing and his anti working class stance demonstrated by him green lighting bullying against the poorest in society is now part of the University’s shameful past.

If Glasgow University is turn its self round from being a failing university then the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli must be removed.

At present under Muscatelli the university is ranked 128th in the world, it is expected to fall further.

The ‘War on Muscatelli’ is in the interests of the people of Scotland.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli Principal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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