Friday, March 25, 2011

Head of propaganda at human rights abusing Glasgow University caught in covert surveillance operation against victimised former student protestor

Dear All

Minor fame indeed and sinister!

Human Rights abusing Glasgow University's Chief propagandist Raymond McHugh has dropped by this world famous blog.

His official job is Media Relations Manager.

Formerly he was a News Sub-Editor at Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd.

And Editor at The Glaswegian Newspaper.

Wow, how wonderful, what a career, editor of The Glaswegian!

Presumably the job as the Editor of The Times wasn’t available.

Today, McHugh makes his ninth visit and is using in a covert surveillance operation of this blog.

Host name

IP address

He shouldn’t spend so much time on my website; he should thinking about who is going to get the sack when the cuts bite.

The Candidates as they appear on the university website:

Mrs Eleanor Cowie (Media Relations Officer)
Mr Stuart M Forsyth (Media Relations Officer (International)
Mr Ray McHugh (Media Relations Manager)
Mr Martin Shannon (Senior Media Relations Officer)
Mrs Laura Tyler (Marketing and New Media Manager)
Mr Nick Wade (Communications Assistant)

Seems like top heavy bloated management to me.

Will it be ‘women and children first?

Or will Raymond McHugh fall on his rubber sword and take the hit for the team?

Stay tuned, as the cuts bite.

And McHugh, Scottish Parliament, IP address,, time spent 22 hours 40 mins 49 secs.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. My link not working!
