Saturday, March 26, 2011

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli of human rights abusing Glasgow University caught out lying to students, incompetent and a liar!

Dear All

He came to conquer, to play the kindly Professor, to express regret and show empathy.

And like everything else Muscatelli gets involved in, it ended in failure.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli got a different message from the student population yesterday.

‘Get to f*ck’!

Students have demanded the resignation of the Principal of human rights abusing Glasgow University over course cuts and a botched heavy handed attempt to end the Hetherington Research Club protest.

In order to appeal to the masses as a ‘listening Principal, yesterday, Muscatelli held an open meeting with students.

Professor Anton Muscatelli has been accused of incompetence and of having failed in his duty of care to the university community.

I have been saying this for 5 years.

George Laird was right again.

Muscatelli is the bad seed pissing on the history and traditions of the university that I spent 20 years at in various roles.

Muscatelli tolld the meeting of 500 students he isn’t resigning.

Yesterday’s meeting was chaired by Liberal Democrat MP Charles Kennedy, the university rector, who sat back and saw Muscatelli’s comments met with jeers.

Followed by loud applause following statements regarding the principal’s supposed incompetence!

Muscatelli is a prick.

A lie by Muscatelli to the student population was a statement by him:

“I do not walk away from problems – if there is an issue, I like to deal with it.”

Incompetent and liar!

Alison Kyle, a postgraduate student of archeology, said after the meeting:

“I think it allows people to see that there is a wider student concern about the cuts and consultation process, but it’s too late. This meeting was pointless in a way.”

And she is exactly right; it is a PR stunt by the senior management so that they can say that they are conducting a dialogue.

Another student, Louisa Campbell, agreed, stating:

“I think it’s healthy for students to be given the opportunity to express their opinions, but I don’t think it will have a long-term effect on anything. It showed that there is a clear lack of confidence in Professor Muscatelli and the senior management and this hasn’t done anything to allay our fears.”

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli said afterwards:

“The meeting was called in order to build better communication and a greater understanding with our students. It enabled senior staff to directly listen to the concerns about events on Tuesday at the Hetherington Club and also to discuss the wider funding situation facing the higher [education] sector. I am pleased the meeting was so well attended and that students took the opportunity to speak directly to my colleagues and I. We understand the events of Tuesday caused anxiety to both students and staff and we were keen to address those concerns in an open and transparent way.”

Under corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, Glasgow University is a human rights abusing organisation, it’s a fact.

Yesterday’s meeting did however throw up an important point.

Anton Muscatelli is a liar.

His lie:

“I do not walk away from problems – if there is an issue, I like to deal with it.”

Now read this.

George Laird was right again and ahead of the curve.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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