Friday, March 18, 2011

Glasgow Herald turn against corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli over wrong decision to axe nursing course, Muscatelli destroys success to cover failure

Dear All

Things must be bad for the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli of the human rights abusing Glasgow University.

Even The Herald is turning against them!

They say the decision by Muscatelli to close the Nursing School is illogical.

He is not Spock!

Muscatelli reasoning is pretty weak that nursing courses is in competition with Glasgow Caledonian University.

So, what!

Yes, the myth of Glasgow University superiority is exposed in this small encapsulated rationale of a mind less able.

But let’s look at the case for keeping nursing open at Glasgow University.

1/ Nursing graduates of Glasgow University are among the most highly sought in the UK and beyond.

2/ the course is over subscribed with almost 1000 applicants for the 45 first-year intake cap.

3/ over 90% of the department’s research has been rated as world-leading or of international quality.

4/ many of its research graduates hold senior positions across the UK and Europe.

It’s a success story unlike his senior university management who have drove the university into the deck, spending all the money they can get their greedy little paws on daft schemes and ideas.

Another major gaff of judgement is that Muscatelli shouted the odds before a comprehensive review of nursing education by Scotland’s chief nursing officer.

The review is to begin in May 2011.

Can’t manage a university properly, can’t control corrupt staff; can’t even save the local ‘tuck shop’ from closure.

Now, Muscatelli is embarking on another huge mistake regards axing the nursing school.

If Glasgow University had a man of honour instead of a corrupt foreigner like Anton Muscatelli nursing would be saved and safe.

Unfortunately like the ‘tuck shop’ which he couldn’t save another part of Glasgow University history will be destroyed.

But his place at the senior management trough is fully protected to the hilt and we aren’t paying for quality.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli Principal!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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