Monday, December 20, 2010

Glasgow Labour leader of shame Gordon Matheson says his ‘Blackmailer’ isn’t paying him enough despite getting 23% above the Scottish average

Dear All

The definition of blackmail is:

'Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information'.

Glasgow Labour leader of shame Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson is throwing around claims like ‘blackmail’ and ‘coercion’ and ‘bullying’ like confetti.


Because he doesn’t want to do what everyone else in Scotland has to do, live within your means.

Is Matheson’s concern that Labour donors won’t be able to get as much money from Glasgow City Council contracts as they do at present?

‘Free dinners’ Matheson had primed the stage for the ‘mother of all political fights’, he even had the backing of the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray who said that he would if elected First Minister look at councils asking for council tax rises on a case by case basis.

The stage was set, the players faced each other, the Scottish Government faced Glasgow Labour Council, Matheson was allowed to draw first but at the last minute the Port Glasgow Plonker couldn’t pull the trigger or get his gun out of his holster.

The Scottish Government coolly turned and walked away as the Labour leader of shame cried out that he would take the Council tax offer.

Instead of ‘manning up’ ‘free dinners’ has sent an extraordinarily bitter letter making allsorts of accusations that money was diverted to councils such as West Lothian for electoral gain, calling it a “shameful way to run Government”.

So, the ‘mother of all political fights’ was avoided because despite all ‘tough’ talk about going their own way, Labour leader Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson bottled it.

He bottled it!

Now, we have to endure the traditional Labour ‘anger’ from the usual suspects.

Matheson in his letter said:

“It is with a gun to my head that I agree to your short-term ... targets”.

During the Glasgow North East by-election the Labour Party and the press ran a campaign based on saying the concept that there was an “anti-Glasgow” basis against the city.

It was a by-election fought by Labour on two questionable issues.

1/ Halfwit Labour MP lived with his parents up a multi storey.
2/ There was an “anti-Glasgow” campaign being run against the city.

It wasn’t a by-election fought on issues, so what are the facts?
Glasgow receives higher per capita funding than any other mainland council in Scotland.

Not 5% above the Scottish average.

Not 10% above the Scottish average.

Not 15% above the Scottish average.

Not 20% above the Scottish average.

A staggering 23% above the Scottish average, in recognition of its social needs!

What kind of ‘Blackmailer’ pays the victim?

That’s right Glasgow Labour leader of shame Gordon Matheson says his ‘Blackmailer’ isn’t paying him enough!

To keep him quiet!

Perhaps he should read up on law:

The definition of blackmail is:

'Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information'.

And its the victim who pays not the 'Blackmailer'.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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