Monday, December 20, 2010

119 people are caught in national festive drink-driving crackdown, you’re 30 times more likely to be in an accident while drunk

Dear All

Every Xmas we rightly see the Police run their national festive police campaign to crack down on drink drivers.

So far more than 100 motorists have been caught drink-driving and a further seven were found to be driving under the influence of drugs.

The tally so far is that Police have come across 119 offenders.

These people were driving while over the legal alcohol limit plus the seven who were unfit to drive because of drugs could have killed themselves or others.

Chief Superintendent Brian Anderson, of the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (Acpos), said:

"Although figures are slightly down on the same period last year, nearly 120 people still thought it appropriate to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol, and another seven were caught driving whilst impaired by drugs. The message must get out to this minority of drivers who continue to risk their lives and the lives of other road users. Don't risk it. Don't drive while under the influence of alcohol and drugs. I would encourage anyone who suspects that a person is driving or attempting to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs to contact the police."

I favour that anyone caught drink driving or driving while unfit due to drugs should have their vehicles seized on a permanent basis even for a first offence.

No exceptions whatsoever.

One bright spark was caught by Central Scotland Police in Bridge of Allan on December 17 after being seen him lying by the road then getting in his car.

Then staggering to his feet jumped in and drove off, five times the legal limit when tested.

Recently Labour MP Eric Joyce was banned from driving and fined for drink driving, a pity when someone of his background fails to set a good example.

On of the most serious incidents was recorded by Police in Grangemouth received an anonymous call.

Officers stopped a vehicle and found two young children, aged nine months and four, with the driver, who provided a positive breath test.

He had a similar conviction from last year and the vehicle is now subject to the Forfeiture Scheme which in my opinion should be extended.

Drink driving kills, recently we have seen bad weather and death on the roads which is truly heartbreaking for the families of those involved.

If you are over the legal limit you are 30 times more likely to be in an accident.

This Xmas ‘play it safe, don’t drink and drive’, think of others before your own selfish wants and needs.

That way you and your family will enjoy Xmas and you will be protecting not just yourself and your family but the rest of the community.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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