Friday, September 24, 2010

Red Ken wins Labour Mayor nomination, Oona King beaten soundly, Boris Johnson has to step up to a classic ‘Rocky’ contest, it’s mano a mano now

Dear All

There are certain political fights that people want to see like boxing.

Ken Livingstone is to fight Boris Johnson to be the next London mayor.

If successful this will be Livingstone’s third term as mayor.

He has overcome and defeated former MP Oona King for Labour's nomination for the 2012 London mayoral election.

She wasn’t credible and her many gaffes during the campaign showed she wasn’t up for the job as Candidate let alone Mayor.

The joke candidate from the Lib Dems could be Former Liberal Democrat MP Lembit Opik who hopes to win his party's nomination.

Paper Candidate just making up the numbers!

So, it’s mano a mano Livingstone v Johnson, old lion against the Tory usurper.

Labour Party acting leader Harriet Harman told Mr Livingstone:

"The whole of Team Labour will be backing you. And I have no doubt you will win the backing of communities across London."

Platitudes from ‘Horrible Harriet’, I would be keeping her away if I was Livingstone.

Ken Livingstone is up for the fight taking the time to thank those who voted for him and calling Johnson's administration "disastrous".

He said:

"When we defeat Boris we will have played a part in rebuilding the Labour Party after the general election. Everywhere you look Boris has broken promises and taken his axe to services Londoners rely on."

He should stop calling him Boris and revert to Boris Johnson.

As to Oona King, the deserved loser, she will have to try and find another job in politics.

London is Livingstone, it was always Livingstone.

The mayor’s deputy Kit Malthouse said:

"Choosing to exhume Ken Livingstone is a very odd decision”.

Far from odd it’s classic ‘Rocky’ and if Livingstone is smart he should use that music and ideology.

The Tories are going to lose London in 2012 to Ken Livingstone but he will have to pace himself and run a tight ship.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Ah George, I would have thought it a tight contest and not an out and out Red Ken win. Then I don't keep too up to date with London politics.

  2. Dear subrosa

    Oona King is plastic.

    It was always Red Ken.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
