Thursday, September 23, 2010

Labour MSP Frank McAveety is the highest Glasgow claimer of Holyrood expenses, is he saving up for a 'dusky' Gauguin painting?

Dear All

It is unofficial, 69% of the general public think that MSP's don’t provide good value for money.

Expenses’ is always a touchy subject for politicians as the Westminster Expenses Scandal showed a pattern of greed and excess by some people.

At Holyrood Glasgow MSPs claimed around £352,000 in expenses last year in order to do their jobs.

No surprise that the highest claims come from the Labour Party.

Labour’s Shettleston MSP, Frank McAveety, is the highest Glasgow claimant; he has racked up a bill for £34,192.

But then he has a taste for the high life and Gauguin paintings.

Next to merit a mention by me is Patrick Harvie of the Greens costing a staggering £23,930.

Being a Green MSP, I would have thought he would be cheap and frugal, this boy knows how to use taxpayers’ cash.

£7000 for hotels, I wonder how big his carbon footprint is?

Shouldn’t people be calling him Patrick ‘big carbon footprint’ Harvie?

Tory MSP Bill Aitken ran up £18,250 including more than £6600 for hotels, meals and refreshments in Edinburgh.

And that probably explains his waistline.

Margaret Curran who currently holds an MSP and MP position got a massive £22,433.

And this doesn’t include her Westminster expenses since elected.

Labour’s Transport spokesman is the disgraced MSP Charlie Gordon, his expense a whopping £27,565.

Gordon is more than an idiot, he is an expensive idiot.

With about 7 out of 10 people thinking MSPs are not good value for money, Holyrood has to raise its game quite a bit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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