Friday, June 4, 2010

No news of Precious and Florence Mhango's appeal to avoid deportation to Malawi, so we wait and hope she and her mum get justice

Dear All

One of the cases that I have taken an interest in is the case of Precious and Florence Mhango from Malawi.

At present both Precious and her mum are waiting for a decision not to deport them from Britain.

Precious has lived in Britain since she was three years old, it therefore would be completely outrageous to send her back to Malawi.

One aspect worthy of comment is the way that the community of Cranhill has rallied round to support her and her mother.

This is a case that I feel that they have the legal, moral and compassionate right to stay among us.

So, we wait on a judge.

Given the length of time, I would like to think this was a good sign.

No news doesn’t mean good news however, as the legal wheels turn slowly!

I hope for their sake that their appeal is successful and they come home to Scotland.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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