Monday, May 3, 2010

TV debate turns nasty as Glen 'Labour' Campbell asks Jim Murphy about him 'flipping' his homes, what a betrayal at 10 to midnight by him

Dear All

Glen ‘Labour’ Campbell has flipped.

The only question is why?

A row has broken out between the BBC and Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy after BBC presenter Glenn Campbell accused Mr Murphy of “flipping” his homes.

Mr Murphy asked by Campbell on BBC Scotland’s Big Debate programme last night;

“Why did you flip your second home from London to East Renfrewshire?”

Murphy retorted with a warning to Campbell;

“These are very serious allegations you’re making. I didn’t do that sort of thing. Some politicians flipped their homes and tried to make profits. When I became Secretary of State for Scotland, [I] spent more time in Scotland and as a consequence that becomes [my] first home.”

So, Murphy didn’t answer the question properly in my opinion on television.

And the question needs to be asked again and on television;

‘Did You (Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy) change your second home allowance from London to East Renfrewshire?

The practice of flipping was exposed in the Westminster expenses scandal were MPs changed the designation of their home for financial gain.

SNP Deputy Leader Nicola Sturgeon claimed Murphy has “completely lost it over ­flipping his homes”.

I wonder if Jim Murphy ever watched Flipper as a kid, Flipper always impressed me because he was so slippery.

A Labour mouthpiece said;

“When Jim Murphy became Secretary of State for Scotland the rules meant he had to change his designated home”.

So, Murphy is going with the ‘Blears defence’ coined after Labour MP Hazel Blears, ‘the Salford Rat’ said that she was ‘only obeying orders’.

The sight of Murphy screaming into a microphone, ‘I was only obeying orders’ is unsightly.

The Labour Party said;

“This is a dirty smear from the SNP.”

Since when did Glen ‘Labour’ Campbell join the SNP as a member?

It seems that Jim Murphy and crew are heading for a fall in East Renfrewshire and the election is turning increasingly bitter and twisted.
So, it was another disastrous night for Jim Murphy and the Labour Party.

Do you remember the tune of Flipper?

"They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning, No-one you see, is smarter than he,And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder, Flying there-under, under the sea!”

It seems that Jim Murphy isn’t as fast.

Tory Candidate against Murphy; Richard ‘goofy’ Cook must be thinking, things are looking up.

I wonder if Jim Murphy feels betrayed by Glen ‘Labour’ Campbell!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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