Monday, May 3, 2010

Gillian Duffy casts her 'vote' early on Gordon Brown, no forgiveness for calling her a 'bigot', follow suit folks

Dear All

Gillian Duffy was wronged by Gordon Brown.

We all know it and it is in the public domain.

He called her a ‘bigot’.

It was a defining moment of the 2010 Westminster election because it captured both the public face or Gordon Brown and the dark ugly private face in the space of a few minutes.

In an attempt to woo her back for PR purposes and to limit the damage he invited her to meet his family in Downing Street to persuade her to pose for pictures with him outside her home.

Pathetic attempt at bribery on his part!

Gillian Duffy has since described her ‘Hell in Rochdale’ of the excruciating 40-minute conversation with Brown as he repeatedly begged her to make a public act of forgiveness in front of the cameras.

Mrs Duffy is your typical lifelong Labour voter who thought the Labour Party stuck up for people like her.

Now, she knows the truth, the full ugly truth, the Labour Party is the party of big business, of greed and of keeping power.

She however bluntly told Gordon Brown that she would not be voting for him following his insult.

Gillian Duffy said;

“I said, "I'm sorry for you Gordon, because you have more to lose than me. I'm very sorry that this has happened, but it's you who's going to lose out, not me".

Brown persisted and offered more ‘baubles’ would like to meet his wife Sarah and family at Downing Street.

Now Mrs Duffy has travelled to Canada for a holiday with friends.

Gillian Duffy never forgave Gordon Brown; the people on May 6th have the opportunity to do likewise.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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