Monday, May 10, 2010

SNP MSP Bob Doris announces extra cash available for local groups and organisations after assets seizure, SNP Government delivers and works for people

Dear All

SNP MSP, Bob Doris, has calling on local youth groups to come forward and take the money and run.

But all for good causes to benefit the community!

When SNP MSP Bob Doris hears money is available he is straight away making announcements so local people working in their communities to benefit others get a slice.

The new money is available after the biggest ever recovery of criminal assets under Proceeds of Crime legislation.

£6.5 million has been recovered by the Crown Office.

Someone has to get it, so why not local people.

The Scottish Money Laundering Unit worked in conjunction with Russian authorities to investigate Moscow-based businessman Anatoly Kazachkov.

They had cause because of a suspicious bank transfer of $10 million from an account in Hungary to a Scottish bank in 2004.

So, a big thanks to Anatoly from the local people who he is helping by his unfortunate circumstances.

The money to groups is the Scottish Government's CashBack for Communities initiative.

Bob Doris MSP said;

"This is the biggest single haul to date and I praise not just the efforts of Scottish agencies but also the Russian authorities for their display of international co-operation, without which this criminal network would not have been brought to justice. Criminal assets seized under this legislation have already benefited numerous organisations. The Royston Youth Action group, whom I recently sponsored in a funding bid, were awarded £8,000 only back in December, to provide activities for local youngsters in north Glasgow. I will now be working with other groups across the city to get funding applications ready."

Bob Doris is known as being very proactive when he sniffs out cash is on the hoof for local people.

He added;

"Youth Scotland also administer the CashBack for Communities Small Grants Scheme. The next deadline for this fund is 1 June 2010 and it can be accessed online here. £1,000 to set up a new youth group or £2,000 for a new project could make a big difference to local voluntary groups”.

If you feel your local community group could benefit from this money then drop Bob Doris a line.

On the issue of justice, he said;

"The Scottish Government is determined that the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, the police and all the various law enforcement agencies are supported in their efforts to shut down criminal networks."The message this sends out to organised criminals is clear - We will find out what you're doing and we will take everything you have."

This money will make a real difference to community groups and organisations as they send out a message to people, there is more to life if you take the first step.

And you will get help if you falter, that is what community is all about.

The Scottish Government has also just announced £1.6 Million to fund The Junction project; a collaboration between Fairbridge in Scotland, The Venture Trust, The Prince's Trust Scotland and Venture Scotland. The scheme will bring together the extensive experience of the four organisations in working with vulnerable young people.

This is the type of work down by the SNP elected officials up and down the country, working hard, putting in the hours and fighting to get people a better life.

Sadly, you won’t be seeing this type of work being done by Labour MPs, they wouldn’t do it and they won’t open a public office for you.

It is only the SNP that stand up for local communities and local people.

One day, Scottish people will realise just that and return more at elections.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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