Monday, May 3, 2010

Rising Tory star Philippa Stroud ran prayer sessions to 'cure' gay people, religion and politics don't mix, something she must learn very quickly

Dear All

Some people who are religious have controversial views.

That is their right under freedom of speech.

A high-flying prospective Conservative MP, Phillipa Stroud is credited with shaping many of the Tory party's social policies.

Another aspect of her personality is that she founded a church that tried to "cure" homosexuals by driving out their "demons" through prayer.

Why was she not praying like mad to God to let me win the Euromillions rollover?

Philippa Stroud is likely to win the Sutton and Cheam seat this Thursday.

She is also head of the Centre for Social Justice, the think tank set up by the former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith.

That think tank has come up with some sound ideas in the past to help poor people.

The Conservatives have tried to win over gay voters but after a string of controversial comments by party members, one can only wonder.

The shadow home secretary, Chris Grayling, said owners of B&B accommodation should have the right to turn away gay couples.

Julian Lewis, the shadow defence minister, said he was against lowering the age of consent from 18 to 16 for homosexuals.

Liam Fox, Shadow Defence Ministers fought against gays as a student at Glasgow University.

Recently Tory PPC Philip Lardner was outed for anti gay comments on his website.

Now, Phillipa Stroud pops up.

Ben Summerskill, chief executive of the Stonewall group, said;

"If Mrs Stroud has been praying to rid Britain of its homosexuality, she clearly hasn't been praying hard enough”.

Ben Summerskill should direct her to a more positive agenda, me winning the Euro millions lottery.

Clearly, Phillipa Stroud has done some good things but some of her views leave a lot to be desired.

Religion and politics don’t mix very well.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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