Monday, May 3, 2010

Judgement day for Gordon Brown on 7th May, Labour plotters get the 'blades of honour' out to stab him in the back, coup imminent

Dear All

Thursday 6th May is polling day.

The day of reckoning is 7th May for Gordon Brown.

With the Labour Party defeat at the ballot box imminent, minds in the Labour Party will be focused on getting Gordon Brown forced out as soon as possible.

It is clear that a Labour loss will trigger calls for a coup against him.

Senior party sources are allegedly saying in private that the ailing leader will be axed.

A Sunday Express poll shows Labour could lose a third of its seats.

The cost of ‘biotgate’ is going to be high for the Labour Party.

The poll puts Brown on a disastrous 23 per cent, if holds across the UK then Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy would be one of the most high-profile Cabinet ministers to lose his seat.

That would possibly usher in Richard ‘goofy’ Cook, the Tory Candidate in East Renfrewshire.

Already there are allegedly plots forming with the usual suspects.

Business Secretary Mandelson, Home Secretary Alan Johnson and Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth are supposed to be backing a David Miliband leadership bid.

I suspect that Jack Straw will join that bandwagon if he stills has a seat;

Brown forced out, Murphy and Straw fail to win seats, all sent down the road, it is simply too much like a fairytale!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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