Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Protest amid Donald Trump's arrival over golf plan, Tripping UP Trump create new stumbling block, they are fighting like Scotsmen, where's the SNP?

Dear All

The Trump saga goes on.

A group calling itself ‘Tripping up Trump’ is dedicated to stopping Donald Trump's golf project.

The latest tactic to upset the man with the worst haircut in the civilised world has been to buy some of the land belonging to Michael Forbes, one of the residents refusing to sell.

An epic time wasting idea and stumbling block to ensure that Donald Trump pays through the nose for every inch of Scottish soil in his land grab.

The group thinks that that by putting the names of hundreds of protesters on the title deeds, it would create a massive legal headache for the Trump Organisation and Aberdeenshire Council.

Everyone who is a land owner would have to be contacted by the Council if they were to pursue a compulsory purchase order for the site.

For a businessman, you would have thought that the Trump Organisation would be teaming with people who could turn this situation round.

So that everyone wins.

The cost of the Trump project is about £750 million to create what Trump describes as the "world's greatest golf course" in Aberdeenshire.

Protestor Michael Forbes said;

"Tripping Up Trump now own a piece of my land in an effort to help protect my family and the other families worried by the threat of compulsory purchase. Trump lost the battle for public opinion long ago, and he's now lost any chance of bulldozing our homes."

One can feel that public sympathy is very much with the home owners, no one should be forced off their land in the matter advocated by Trump.

I would call on the Scottish Government to act in this matter instead of burying its head in the Aberdeenshire sand.

This is something that Alex Salmond said when elected leader;

“As a national party our commitment to social justice is at the heart of our politics”.

The people of Menie aren’t getting social justice, legal justice or natural justice.

But they fight on.

It is time the SNP Government to help; it is time the many stood up for the few.

That is what being a local champion is all about, it’s like puppies not just for xmas or elections.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. trumps secret syrupMay 26, 2010 at 5:31 PM


    John Swinney backed the council and signed the deal off so I'm not sure where the protestors can go now.

    Jim Mather overruled objectors and signed the deal for the Beauly to Denny pylon contract so the SNP aren't overly concerned with the environment.
