Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In tough economic times, St Andrews University spends £1.18 million doing up the Principal’s house, must be cosy in the palace

Dear All

The greed in the University Sector knows no bounds and is something I have blogged on before.

Enter the principal of the ‘English’ University of St Andrews who spent more than £1 million of university funds upgrading her official residence.

Scottish taxpayers’ money, the reason to justify this is in order to entertain visiting academics, dignitaries and potential sponsors.

There is always an excuse.

Prior to her appointment Richardson expressed concern that the university should provide a high-profile principal's house in a prime location "conducive to receiving and entertaining leading international academics, potential donors, sponsors and benefactors".

It seems she got her way and a life of luxury.

University has been criticised after it emerged she spent more than £1 million of university funds upgrading her official residence in order to entertain visiting academics, dignitaries and potential sponsors.

Labour MSP Claire Baker said;

"For any university in this current financial climate to spend that kind of money on what will be a private residence is concerning”.

But, because of the way the Labour Party operated, they effectively allowed universities to be rudderless from political oversight.

The Labour Party climbed into bed with academics because they wanted access to the university networks that could place their people in jobs and positions.
Just like local Councils.

There needs to be massive cuts in university greed and the place to start is by removing serving university staff that has a vested interest from the Scottish Funding Council.

You won't stop greed unless the Scottish Funding Council has a more impartial board.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I think I'm right in saying that this was the woman who, upon appointment had her mansion refurbished including a bathroom which she had ordered from a catalogue.

    When she saw it she didn't like it and had it taken out again. Then she had a new one installed.

    The cost I remember was greater than my apartment would cost.

    And yes; you're right. Why can't they entertain the great and the good in a house that cost less than £1.18 million to upgrade?

    What is it about that kind of person who can’t sit down in a house that maybe only cost £500,000 to upgrade.

    Some people are only recognizable by the soles of their shoes they are so far up their own backsides.

  2. unbelieveable greed, should be stamped out. Scotland needs its own office of fiscal responsibility.
