Sunday, May 2, 2010

Michael Gove and Tories write to Alex Salmond for a rethink on national citizens scheme, idea has merit, but lets us look at the detail

Dear All

A short while ago, the Tories trotted out an idea for a National Citizens Service for 16-year-olds.

It’s volunteering.

In principle it is a good idea but the Tories approached the SNP in the wrong way and they got rebuffed.

Now, Michael Gove is urging the Scottish Government to think again over the Tory plan.

He has written to First Minister Alex Salmond after the Government in Edinburgh kicked the idea into the long grass.

Gove said;

"I would urge the Scottish Government not to reject National Citizens Service”.

If this scheme is to be run in Scotland it must be run by the Scottish Government and directly funded by Westminster in order not to put pressure on the Scottish budget.

Gove added;

"Voluntary organisations across Scotland are keen on the idea, academic research by Strathclyde University says it works and business leaders are supportive. I would like to meet with Mr Salmond to move this forward and urge him to change his mind."

I think the Scottish Government should agree to talks but with conditions.

Volunteering could be a useful tool in turning round young people who haven’t had great life chances and open other avenues for them to explore.

Former Scotland rugby captain Gavin Hastings is backing the initiative.

He said;

"Too often we hear about teenagers with nothing to do, getting into trouble and having no sense of identity - National Citizen Service will address these issues."

I can see no reason why the SNP Government shouldn’t open an exploratory dialogue on this matter.

Let the Tories make their case and see if it stands up on merit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. is this the alex salmond who took
    two pay packet every month he should be ashamed of himself the
    people out of work and he just keeps taking dont tell me he put
    it in some good cause the only
    cause is his tight fisted little
    man would not trust him with a
    piggy bank he would rob it
    jim h
    drlb dbfb aafl
