Sunday, May 2, 2010

East Coast Weasel Iain Gray wants to start a 'water' fight before May 6th, someone get him a water pistol, he will soon get bored and go away

Dear All

It was only a matter of time before Scotland’s most boring and useless politician entered the Westminster Campaign to get noticed.

The “East Coast Weasel” Iain Gray is back and talking.

This time Labour has launched a campaign to protect Scottish Water from being sold off.


Copying the SNP Government’s position is highly unoriginal in politics.

Iain Gray said such a move would cut jobs and lead to increased water charges.

What a pity Labour controlled Glasgow City Council never adopted the same attitude with regard to their Aleos.

But then Labour Party members and their family and friends wouldn’t have been able to ram up their pay packets and perks if they were still under full control of the Council.

The SNP Government has ruled out a sell-off publicly but are looking at private finance.

Scottish Water is and will be a public controlled company.

It’s Scotland’s water!

In order to stir it because no one has ever noticed him produce a single idea by himself, Gray whines;

"These short-sighted plans could lead to higher water charges and job losses and undermine the investment that has been made in a public company that is performing well”.

Unlike the Labour Party, the SNP won’t be making stupid mistakes, I blogged on this issue on 31st January 2010.

Gray says;

"The message from Labour is clear: it's Scotland's water”.

Only three months behind me, someone should have woken him up sooner.

The “East Coast Weasel” is well off the pace.

Maybe he needs a drink of water?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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