Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lack of success forces Annabel Goldie and her Elderly Tory MSPs to look over their shoulders, Tories want a cull, doesn’t solve the Tory problems

Dear All

We are told repeatedly that older people are valuable because they have knowledge and experience which younger people lack.

So, it surprising that the Tory Party in Scotland are putting Scotland’s Tory MSPs under pressure to stand down at the next Holyrood election.

The sudden rush has been prompted by the retirement of Bill Aitken.

The idea is that ‘new’ blood flood in which will increase the Tory Party’s fortunes in Scotland.

It won’t.

As many of the Tory list MSP approach 65, a senior Tory has opined that this is a wake-up call to some of the party’s 16 MSPs.

The source says;

“We have lots of good young ­candidates and we are at a time when we need people who will fight for every inch of Conservative territory in Scotland, not folk who are looking for four quiet years before they retire”.

Three Tories stick out, not because of talent but because of exposure, Davena Rankin, Richard ‘goofy’ Cook and Ruth Davidson.

One thing they have in common is getting soundly defeated by their opponents so the list is their best chance of becoming a politician.

Some people are just not electable.

As well as MSPs seats up for grab, ex MI6 spy Andrew Fulton is considering his options.

And of course there is ‘Goldiewatch’, when will Annabel Goldie go, at 60, she has struggled to make the Tories relevant but she has had little to work with, everyone hates Tories in Scotland.

To show the clear out isn’t restricted to the elderly, Michael Crow who gets £100k a year as director of communications hasn’t set the heather on fire.

Easily forgettable and probably slated for the chop, in a job that requires ideas, he doesn’t even have a barrel to scrap.

And not the brains to make a barrel either; he is cannon fodder.

He has nothing to crow about!

Tories can’t connect with the people of Scotland because of the abuses of the past.

I guess Goldie and her Glee club should keep looking over their shoulders the future is bleak.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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