Sunday, May 23, 2010

Labour Party to target SNP Ministers in Holyrood elections, the SNP need to rethink how their political economy works, money, resources and people

Dear All

It seems that the Labour Party has a hit list of SNP Ministers.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, Minister for Parliamentary Business Bruce Crawford and Schools Minister Keith Brown will face determined challenges to hold their first past the post seats in Holyrood from the Labour Party.

Some SNP Ministers at present hold seats with slim majorities of less than 1,400.

The Labour idea is supposed to tie up money and resources in those areas.

It seems that the SNP will need to rethink their political economics very carefully.

Money, resources and people are the political reality which needs to be addressed.

The Westminster election was a disaster for Glasgow SNP.

7 losses out of 7 seats!

This is because people are stuck in the mindset of defending their little bit of unviable ‘turf’.

Political sacrifice maybe the unpalatable truth that SNP branches have to swallow to get ahead in Glasgow.

If you don’t have a foothold you have nothing.

As I previously said change is needed.

But change didn’t happen, there is a lack of will, of course everyone wants to win but are people prepared to do what it takes?

Not at present, Glasgow SNP needs to run a Glasgow campaign to connect with Glasgow voters.

Is there a strategy by the SNP to win Glasgow?

Not that I can see.

There are 10 first past the post seats in Glasgow, the SNP hold one, all others held by the Labour Party.

There is also additional regional list MSP seats, 4 held by the SNP, 1 each held by the Tories and the Green Party.

16 seats up for grabs for Holyrood!

The Holyrood system delivered 5 seats to the SNP, 1 FPTP and 4 Glasgow list seats.

In the event the Labour Party takes all 10, then there will be additional pressure on the regional list.

The SNP need to do targeted seats, not blanket bombing which is getting nowhere.

They had 1 MP in Glasgow, a good one in John Mason, now they have no MPs in Glasgow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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