Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The 'feeble 41' Labour MPs won't be standing up for Scotland, only the SNP will be tasked, people were conned by Labour fear tactics

Dear All

All along I have said that there would be a Tory Government.

Scotland voted Labour, they won the most seats.

The Labour Party used people’s fear a Tory Government getting in Westminster to convince you to vote for them.

But the Scottish people are getting a Tory Government anyway.

Now, its ‘pig in a poke’ time!

You voted Labour but they can’t and won’t protect you.

They saw you coming and used you.

It will be the SNP again who answer the call to arms for the people wanting help.

If the people had voted SNP, then they would have got locally public offices to go to with their complaints.

Monday to Friday, 9 to 5!

Instead in places like Glasgow, you get a few minutes at a Labour surgery one or twice a month in a school or community centre.

You got conned!

Remember Thatcher, what did Labour MPs in Scotland do to stand up her?

Nothing, absolutely nothing!

The ‘feeble 50’ of Labour sat back and racked up their cash and expenses doing nothing.

People thought they were voting for protection but reality, they voted to remove it.

Scotland and its people are treated as second class citizens.

In due course, you will find out how the new ‘feeble 41’ will pan out.

This is how it works at this election for voters in Scotland.

Vote Tory get Tory, Vote Labour get Tory.

Nationally and locally, one thing you wouldn’t be getting is representation by the Labour Party.

David Cameron will be explaining extra cuts in Scottish public spending in due course, we are to be punished.

'Fire up the Quattro, Scots who voted Labour have been taken for mugs'!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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