Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Acid revenge attack in London shows how broken Britain has become, some people operate in society no better than filthy animals

Dear All

Politics dominates in the minds at the present time, but away from that world, life goes on.

Awais Akran was stabbed and doused with acid.

His ‘crime’ was an online affair with Sadia Khatoon.

Now, three men have been jailed at the Old Bailey, her brother Mohammed Vakas, Mohammed Adeel, both of Walthamstow, and Fabion Kuci, 17, of Harlesden.

Vakas was given a 30-year sentence for conspiracy to murder.

Adeel got 13 years and Kuci received 8 years.

Awais Akran was targeted for his relationship with Mrs Khatoon, who he met on social networking website Facebook.

When her husband Shakeel Abassi found out about it he persuaded her to lure Mr Akram to the attack scene.

Then Awais was beaten and stabbed before sulphuric acid was poured over him. It left the victim with 47% burns and he nearly died.

This is an example of broken Britain, some people have become like animals.

Judge Brian Barker said;

"The facts of this case are horrifying. This was a remorseless and a heartless plan. It was to punish and kill Mr Akram in the most cruel and sadistic way."

He added;

"This was a terrible crime and all right-thinking citizens reject the premise on which it was done. There is no honour, and plots and actions such as this have no place in our society. Few of us will have seen anything like that before and we must all hope we don't see anything like that again."

Sadia Khatoon and Shakeel Abassi have fled the UK and disappeared and are believed to be in the Islamabad area of Pakistan.

These people must be returned to the UK to face a Court of Law.

This is one crime case which should remain active by the Met Police.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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