Monday, May 24, 2010

Human rights abusing Glasgow University gets begging bowl out for Vet fund appeal, ‘Not one penny more’, Glasgow isn't paying up for Bearsden

Dear All

There I was walking along when the bus passed; on the back was a poster from the human rights abusing Glasgow University.

It was a begging poster asking that people contribute money.

Despite getting ample amounts of taxpayer money to live a life of luxury, the University of Guantanamo Bay people are so greedy that they want more.

They are just squalid.

The appeal is fronted by the despicable Englishman Peter Holmes who discriminated against working class Scots.

He doesn’t even live in Glasgow but wants us to pay up for Bearsden!

As Vice-Principal, he allowed bullying, discrimination and institutional fraud to take place and did nothing.

This can be read here.

And now he is Chairman of the Vet begging bowl appeal.

When an employee, I did two years at the University Vet School in the late 1980’s, the place smelled to high heaven of shit.

At that time cattle were slaughtered in the open in full view of anyone passing, including visitors dropping off their animals.

The cattle would be taken to an area, shot through the head with a bolt gun; a rod would be inserted to scramble their brains. After that they would be hung up by the hoofs and gutted.

Their guts would be pulled out and land on the concrete base.

So, I say to you, ‘Not one penny more’, they have already been given your money by the state.

Every penny you give means they can divert cash to fund the greedy senior management in the main campus.

Don’t be taken for a donkey.

They have been given enough money and are required by law to care for the animals, they currently have.

Let the Corrupt Foreigner Anton Muscatelli, Principal of the human rights abusing Glasgow University manage the taxpayer money already given, he is paid enough.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Well done for speaking out about university excess, I support the sentiment of not one penny more. They really are taking us for mugs.

    Best to send money to the PDSA.

    Thank you for your post.
