Tuesday, May 25, 2010

‘Daft workie come good’ John Prescott wants to be next Labour treasurer, in government he made an arse of every department he was put in charge of

Dear All

Daft workie come good and Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott says he wants to be the next Labour Party treasurer.

As everyone one knows in politics, every time Prescott was given a Government department to run, he arsed it up and in the end every single one was taken away from him.

Prescott who has since stepped down as an MP said party members had persuaded him to stand.

A joke perhaps on their part, taking the pish out of an idiot!

In a rare moment of 'vision' he said the job was about "getting the money in".


With the added bonus of increasing membership and pledged to create a "vibrant mass membership party".

He is kidding himself, let us not forget that people are not that stupid, even rank and file Labour members walked as the party was taken over by champagne socialists in the pockets of the rich.

The treasurer is an elected role, but I suspect that Prescott really is all about wanting a position on Labour's ruling National Executive Committee.

With big business going Tory, Prescott thinks that by creeping back to the unions, he can get them to stump up money for party funds after Blair and Brown sidelined them for years.

For other political parties, Prescott in power is a godsend, you want a nut lacking ambition fronting the Labour ragbag of trash.

The era of Prescott’s act of the daft workie come good has ended long ago, he is the comic who no one laughs at.

The last joke, he maybe the guy with the Labour begging bowl that can’t get a nickel.

Prescott for treasurer!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Muriel Gray probably thinks its a great idea.

    She once wrote a swooning girlie piece about how unexpectedly attractive Prescott is, how he even smelled wonderful, how nicely he dressed.

    Yep. that Muriel Gray, scottish journalist, voice of radicalism and cool. Also part-time pig wrestler. Takes all kinds.

  2. Dear Ratzo

    Part time pig wrestler, how does one get into something like that?

    You never hear of it being advertised.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
