Monday, May 10, 2010

The chance to make politics have real meaning for ordinary people is here, can we afford not to change, when the evidence of history is so clear?

Dear All

Everything is literally up in the air.

It is so confusing and fast changing that anything could happen now that Gordon Brown has resigned.

On top of that smaller parties are finding their numbers have added extra political weight.

This is a golden opportunity for political reform but everyone must seize the day.

We have seen ping pong politics at Westminster were landslide majorities have achieved nothing but despair.

The gap between rich and poor is at its widest in 50 years.

We have been taken into illegal wars of occupation based on lies.

The rise of quangos has left us more unsafe as they aren’t accountable or transparent.

Corruption is rife.

The Lib Dems together with other political parties can bring forward a new vision in which Parliament so often ignored can impose real accountability on government.

At election there is plenty talk about democracy but under the present system, most people don’t get their voice heard.

So, most don’t vote.

We have an opportunity to change that, can we afford not to change now.

It is time to end the old style of politics and open a new chapter.

The people deserve better but will Nick Clegg hold his nerve and deliver.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George

    I see you like me have signed up to the Rainbow coalition and a brave new Dawn !

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    Does this mean you are retracting your hateful John Mason statements?

    Does the rainbow enter your back garden?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. John Mason i leave to history and history can judge him...

    As for rainbow try here

  4. Can someone please tell me how the various nationalist parties are going to provide a bulwark for the Labour party in Parliament to get their legislation through and to support them in any vote of confidence, when their avowed stance has always been that they do not vote on purely English constitutional matters? Or is this a 'cunning plan' to totally undermine the English Parliament so that the English just want rid of the Welsh and Scots at any price! I am a life long SNP supporter but am having doubts for the future is my party props up a so called 'Government of losers.
