Thursday, April 8, 2010

Team Angiolini gets 'ass raped' down Edinburgh Sheriff Court, can't get a conviction on an open and shut case of breach of the peace

Dear All

Here is another example why Elish ‘Labour ‘Angiolini has to go as Head of the Crown Office.

Protesters who disrupted a concert by an Israeli string quartet in Edinburgh have had charges of racially aggravated conduct thrown out by a court.

Team Angiolini was wrong to pursue five members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign who shouted slogans during the performance by the Jerusalem String Quartet for racism.

This is definitely breach of peace.

Protesting against the racist State of Israel is on a par as protesting against White South Africa under apartheid.

After bring this discredit case before a Sheriff, he prompted threw out the racism charges citing that the comments had been directed at the state of Israel rather than individual Israeli people.

On top of that he ruled the case against the accused was not competent and dismissed it.

So, a simple open and shut breach of the peace case collapsed because ‘Labour’ Angiolini and her crew got creative.

In a packed gallery, 60 supporters of the five accused burst into applause when Sheriff James Scott delivered down his judgement at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

The jist of the failed Team Angilini case was that on 29 August 2008 at Queen's Hall in Edinburgh they had pursued a racially aggravated course of conduct amounting to harassment of the string quartet, which was performing at the city's International Festival.

Sheriff Scott said it was clear the accused were engaged in political protest against the Israeli state and an organ of that state, the Israeli army, concerning crimes allegedly committed by the Israeli state and its army in Gaza, not the string quartet.

As well as that he had damning words for the prosecution in that they had failed to show the five accused had acted together, which made the prosecution disproportionate, and also stated that the comments made during the performance had been clearly directed at the state of Israel and Israeli army.

Sheriff Scott makes this pertinent point, the state of Israel was not a person and the members of the quartet were not targeted as presumed citizens of Israel, but as presumed members of the Israeli army.


"It seemed to me that the procurator fiscal's attempts to squeeze malice and ill will were rather strained".

After the failed case Team Angiolini with its tail between its legs said;

“The Crown held that the charges were relevant and that the accused's rights under the convention were "not unfettered" as the rights of one person might impinge of the rights of another”.

Tell us something we don’t know halfwit!

It makes you wonder does it not what type of character gets into the Crown Office when they produce this trash in front of a Sheriff.

Perhaps the Crown Office is like Glasgow City Council, it’s not what you know but who you know.

This was a simple breach of the peace, solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.

Open goal which Team Angiolini kicked over the cross bar, I wonder if these clowns got their law degrees at Glasgow University?

This would explain why they made an arse of an open and shut case!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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