Thursday, April 8, 2010

SNP Minister Nicola Sturgeon oversees a 40% drop in C.diff cases, when you vote SNP, you get public service back

Dear All

Its Election time so people get a choice, this time it is for who will be their new MP for Westminster.

I have previously spoken on the importance of looking at the Candidates and what they stand for.

I would like to raise another point, what is their Party’s record once in power.

The SNP have been the Government of Scotland since 2007 with Nicola Sturgeon running the Health Service.

The importance of this portfolio is closely watched by all, from politicians to the public.

So, to the SNP’s health record, the number of C. difficile cases in Scottish hospitals has fallen by just over 40% in a year, according a new report.

That’s right 40%.


Simple answer, the SNP Government works in partnership with the NHS and that has delivered for patients and their families in a meaningful way.

From prescriptions to hospital car parking charges, the SNP are making a real difference to people’s lives.

The success is so startling that the Labour Party in Scotland has been deduced to constant carping that the work isn’t getting done quickly enough.

But let’s remember; the Labour Party couldn’t the work done at any speed!

The figures have been revealed in Health Protection Scotland's (HPS) first annual report on superbug rates.

Professor Jacqui Reilly, from HPS commented that "real inroads" had been made in cutting healthcare-associated infections.

This is an independent and unbiased report.

So, when you look at an SNP Westminster Candidate, you see the person but behind them is a team.

That team work generates results because motive is public service not self serving career advancement which is the norm of the Labour Party in Scotland.

More Nats means more gets done properly.

The SNP can be proud of its record but there is still more do.

When you look at the SNP’s list of achievements, you will notice, they keep growing and growing.

It’s because the SNP put people first.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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