Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SNP MSP Nicola Sturgeon renews calls for an independent inquiry into Labour controlled Glasgow City Council, who got jobs and contracts?

Dear All

There is something incredibly rotten about the way the Glasgow Labour Party conducts politics in Glasgow.

Glasgow is run by Labour for the benefit of Labour.

The Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal isn’t solely about one man, Purcell and his fall from grace.

He took cocaine, it was stupid and silly but that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, the real story is how jobs and contracts landed up in the hands of Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is renewing calls for an independent inquiry into the downfall of Steven Purcell.

She made her demand as the SNP returned to Glasgow East to kick-started the election campaign of SNP MP John Mason.

Serious questions need to be asked in and about Glasgow City Chambers.

Nicola Sturgeon said;

“People have been raising with us on the streets and doorsteps the issue of the running of Glasgow City Council in the wake of the Steven Purcell affair. There is clearly a growing unease about the things people are reading and hearing about concerning the council, and they are saying if Labour have nothing to hide why are they opposing an independent inquiry?”

Purcell is responsible along with his fellow Labour Councillors of shame of destroying much of Glasgow, schools, community centres and council services.

The people who benefited from the restructuring?

Glasgow Labour Councillors who lined their pockets with extra cash.

The spectre of corruption and sleaze hangs over the City of Glasgow, both Glasgow City Council and its biggest arm’s-length organisation; City Building, are turning down Freedom of Information requests.

The council is refusing to release Mr Purcell’s diary; the list of his official engagements; or a detailed breakdown of councillors’ expenses claims.

Labour Councillors have been caught not registering gifts.

Everything is not alright by any stretch of the imagination.

City Building run by Labour Party members comes in for much criticism by refused to say if senior officials had made business trips outside Scotland. They are also withheld information on spending on consultants and public relations and refusing to release details of hospitality spending.

This leaves the position of Willie Docherty untenable, it is public money they are spending and the public have a right to know.

Recently John Prescott, a former Labour MP said that the Labour Party owned Glasgow East.

In fact no political party owns any seat; any MP elected serves in trust, placed there by the people.

The arrogance of the Glasgow Labour Party has built up over decades, so has the contempt for the people.

People don’t expect much in the way of representation because the Labour Party sets their sights low, if people are lucky they get the bare minimum and it is grudged.

SNP MP John Mason said;

“Two years ago voters in this constituency put their trust in me. This year I hope voters will continue to trust me to be their local champion and will send that strong message to Labour across Glasgow that this city belongs to the people, not one party.”

Until the Glasgow Labour Party decide to come clean and allow an independent investigation, then the issue of trust remains high on the agenda.

The SNP will continue to push for an independent inquiry because the people have a right to know and ask questions;

How many Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors have been awarded jobs and contracts?

It seems that everyone in Glasgow is asking these questions but the Labour Party isn’t replying.

Is this serving the public trust?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It beggars belief that other parties aren't up in arms over this except we know who the Lib Dems support. Another secret gruop is operating as well.

    The secret networkers

  2. Dear Cynicalhighlander

    An interesting piece on Team Glasgow.

    I think Team Glasgow should be another part of the hopefully future Strathclyde Police investigation.

    I think people need to know who is getting jobs and contracts under the Glasgow Labour Council of shame.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
