Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister attends Maryhill Burgh Halls reopening and praises use of Town Centre Regeneration cash in Maryhill, Vote SNP 6TH MAY

Dear All

Never give up is pretty much the core of SNP thinking.

18 years of solid campaigning by Glasgow North East SNP candidate Billy McAllister has paid off.
The people of Maryhill get back a piece of history with the opening of Phase 1 of Maryhill Burgh Halls.

Opening the refurbished Halls was Alex Neil MSP and Housing and Communities Minister.

This shows the difference between how the SNP operate in Maryhill and the Labour Party operates in Springburn.

For decades the Labour Party has promised to rebuild the Springburn Burgh Halls but the reality is they have reneged repeated on that promise.

The new facility at Maryhill comprises a state of the art sports centre, health suite and swimming pool.

SNP in action!

Phase 2 of the main building will be completed in May 2011, comprising offices and a centre for the local community.

SNP in action!

Springburn Burgh Hall is a complete derelict wreck.

Glasgow Labour Party inaction!

Billy McAllister has worked along with the community activists to raise almost 10 million pounds.

This money has provided the people with a cracking centre for the local community to use for many years to come.

It was a hard fight to get this project through because the Labour Party although keen to take the credit, isn’t so keen to do the work for the people.

As everyone involved in the project would readily admit, it was a team effort.

SNP MSP Bob Doris championed Glasgow's inclusion in the Town Centre Regeneration Fund.

Because of this, Glasgow got a fair crack of the whip.

Bob Doris said;

"I am delighted that we are now seeing Maryhill Burgh Halls take its place as a significant local landmark once again and it will play a central role within the Maryhill Community. It has been a long hard fight to get this far for the Burgh Hall's Trust. I pay credit to them and I am also proud of the role that both myself and the SNP Government have played to secure vital funding. Today's event is an acknowledgement of all the hard work many people have carried out over a number of years to breathe life back into Maryhill Burgh Halls".

So, you know now what you get when you vote an SNP member into elected office.

A local Champion who works full time for the people!

May 6th gives the people of Glasgow the opportunity to change politics forever by voting in SNP local champions.

The record speaks for itself.

SNP regeneration vs Labour destruction!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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