Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Glasgow University Principal Anton Muscatelli stays silent on University Child Sex Predator attempts to secure placement at sick children’s hospital

Dear All

Glasgow University Child Sex Predator Andrew Byrne hits the headlines again as Judge Lord Brailsford orders a risk assessment to be carried out.

Branded as one of Scotland's most disturbing sexual predators, the ‘Beast of Gilmorehill’ preyed on 19 girls and boys, defenceless children.

On top of that Bryne was using his position at Glasgow University to secure a placement at a children’s hospital.

The Glasgow University Child Sex Predator was stopped before he got that position.

At Court Andrew Byrne plead guilty to 32 charges related to the sexual abuse of youngsters

The risk assessment needs to be carried out so a report can be presented before the court in order to determine a proper sentence.

What is clear is that the Glasgow University Child Sex Predator must not be allowed contact with children ever again.

Byrne should face the stiffest penalties, a life sentence is appropriate with additional lifelong restrictions imposed.

A background report already seen by the defence has flagged up concerns about Byrne's ability to change.

In a footnote to the ‘Beast of Gilmorehill’, I have yet to see any apology from Glasgow University for Byrne using his position within the University to secure a placement at a children’s hospital.

Anton Muscatelli is Principal which probably explains the silence.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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