Wednesday, April 28, 2010

'she's just a sort of bigoted woman', how much weight does Gordon Brown put on women’s opinions?

Dear All

Let us have a closer look at what Gordon Brown described as “just a bigoted woman”.

Gillian Duffy is a 65-year-old is a widow.

Her husband died of cancer four years ago.

She was formerly a Council worker worked for Rochdale council for 30 years working with children and handicapped children.

People like Mrs Duffy are the bedrock of society, helping those in most need.

Mrs Duffy describes herself as an "ordinary woman".

She says after the abuse;

"now I'm absolutely ashamed of saying I'm Labour".

Now, female voters can decide if they want to put their faith in Gordon Brown who thinks that women who speak out on controversial subjects are just ’bigoted’ women.

This is a defining moment of the General Election because if a lifelong Labour female supporter can be treated in such a fashion.

How much weight does Gordon Brown put on women’s opinion?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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