Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Labour Councillor of shame, Jim 'the undertaker' Coleman carries on the Steven Purcell legacy destroying ordinary people's future in Glasgow

Dear All

One of the most noticeable things about Labour controlled Glasgow City Council is that they don’t listen to ordinary people.

Case in point, school closure programme affecting 20 schools put out to consultation, 96% of the people responding said no.

The Labour Council of shame ignored them.

Now, another section of Glasgow people are attacking the Labour Council of shame, teachers are angry at proposals by Glasgow City Council to cut costs by laying off school supply staff.

They get just one week’s notice.

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is now taking up the fight for supply teachers to obtain employment rights.

The Glasgow Labour Councillors want to curtail these rights on the basis of cost.City officials broke the news in a letter written to all of the authority’s secondary schools asking that temporary supply teachers “not to work in any school in Glasgow” during the exam diet in May.

A feature of the Glasgow Labour Council of shame is their drive to continually cut the pay and conditions of ordinary people.

Working for a full year gives teachers the right to take a local authority to an employment tribunal or to receive a redundancy settlement.

And the Council aren’t having any truck with.

Hugh Donnelly, secretary of the Glasgow branch of the EIS, said;

“We are extremely concerned at the suggestion given to headteachers to give notice to supply teachers who have started work this session. The concerns relate to the fact that one particular group of teachers appears to be singled out, that their contracts will be broken and that there will be adverse impact on their employment rights. We are also concerned because we believe there will be a significant impact on the quality of learning and teaching if these proposals go ahead.”

Ann Ballinger, general secretary of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, has also spoken out about the underhanded tactics to deprive rights of supply teachers.

She said;

“It is no wonder that young teachers are leaving Scotland to seek work elsewhere when they are treated like this”.

Why are people surprised by the actions of Labour Councillors?

She added;

“We are training some of the best teachers ever in Scotland, but so many end up scratching around for work. This sort of approach from Glasgow will do nothing for the future of these talented young staff.”

The Glasgow Labour Council has no problem feathering its own nest; in one night £400 of taxpayer money was spent so that Labour Leader Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and his pals could get drunk on champagne.

The Labour Party has failed Glasgow and its people.

Yet again, people will have to turn to the SNP for support, people like SNP Councillor Billy McAllister who fought against the Glasgow City Council Schools closure programme.

Labour Councillor of shame Jim 'the undertaker' Coleman carries on the Steven 'bin laden' Purcell legacy of destroying people's future.

Denying people employment rights is wrong.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


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