Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nick Clegg and Lib Dems make their pitch to the public on fairness wired into British Society, completely detail lite to address the issue

Dear All

There maybe a hung Parliament at Westminster, the polls then to suggest this is a real possibility.

Today, the Liberal Democrats set out a "four step" manifesto plan to "hardwire fairness into British society".

This ‘plan’ has no chance.


It is because of the Labour shadow government network of the quango system stuffed to the roof with failed Labour politicians and their placemen and women.

In order to achieve fairness, the quango network needs to be torn down because it operates a glass ceiling of secrecy and unaccountability.

Rather than having a fair society, quangos and their ilk ensure an unfair society.

But no one is talking during this election of solving that problem; the political parties don’t want to talk about the problem just treat in a minor way some of the symptoms.

It is not a pill that is needed it is surgery, major and invasive.

Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg said his policies, including raising the state pension and a tax cut for low and middle earners, combined "hope and credibility".

People need to see deeds not pipedreams of ‘hope’.

Hope doesn’t change the world, action does.

Instead of fives themes like Labour, the Lib Dems are going with four which are fair taxes, more chances for children, a fairer and greener economy, and cleaning up politics.

They aren’t saying anything that any other party isn’t saying and that is their problem.

Real detail of how fair Britain is achieved is completely missing.

After the launch, the double act of Labour and the Tories said their opponents' sums "did not add up".

Neither does Labour or the Tories, so many highly educated people with one thing in common, they can’t count.

And they can’t or won’t tell people where the cuts will be coming.

Mr Clegg said;

"Our manifesto will hardwire fairness into British society," he told an audience in London. "This is not a promise. It is a plan."

Does that plan deal with the people in various institutions that have created the unfairness?

One could argue in England, the Lib Dems have an opportunity to gain more seats because of the dislike for Labour but benefiting from this is short term, if Clegg is the kingmaker in a hung Parliament, he will have a choice, does he side with Gordon Brown responsible for so much misery or Cameron and his rich boy Eton clique who have nothing in common with the majority of the people.

Clegg has a choice which of two greedy corrupt parties does he side with?

Or will he insist on a coalition government so his party gets ministerial seats?

I can see Clegg going for coalition because of the advantages he would gain.

Fairness can only come from deeds not words.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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