Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Halfwit who set fire outside Glasgow Charity Shop jailed for 15 months, should have got community service on top of that to teach him ethics

Dear All

Charity shops are all over the place, they do a tremendous amount of good for the various causes they represent.

People should support them; many of their staff do volunteer work, man the counters putting something back into the community.

I have given stuff to these shops in the past as a donation so that hopefully they could sell it on to make a profit to benefit others.

I came across this case of an idiot, Stuart Rose of St Georges Road, Glasgow who for a laugh set fire to bags of donations in the door of an Islamic Relief Centre in Glasgow.

The 26-year-old man admitted setting a fire which caused £26,000 worth of damage.

Luckily he caught on CCTV after he hailed a black taxi at the scene and was later caught and jailed for 15 months.

He later told Strathclyde Police when traced that he "was just having a laugh".

Rose admitted in Glasgow Sheriff Court culpably and recklessly setting fire to clothing in the doorway of the centre.

As well as the damage, ‘Brain of Britain’ could have caused a gas explosion placing many people’s lives at risk, people living above the shop and the Fire Crews attending.

Sheriff Robert Anthony said;

"This was a serious offence in which you set fire to bags of clothing the effect of which caused considerable damage to the premises. In addition to this, I cannot lose sight of the fact that there was also damage to a gas pipe which could have had far reaching consequences. Such acts of stupidity will not be tolerated."

15 months for a ‘laugh’.

The Court should have sentenced him also to do community service working in charity shops to learn some ethics and understand the scope of his stupidity.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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