Monday, April 12, 2010

Labour MP Jim Murphy does a 'Jo Moore' and tries to bury interest in Steven Purcell scandal by announcing Purcell is suspended by the Labour Party

Dear All

How do you know the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal is serious?

By how fast the Labour Party is attempting to bury bad news to shut down debate on the issue.

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy has publicly stated that former Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell had been suspended from the Labour Party.

In reply to a question by Glen Campbell on the BBC Scotland Politics Show Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy announced that Purcell had been suspended at present.

Glenn Campbell said;

“And Jim Murphy you've obviously had problems here in Glasgow, the Leader of the council resigning in controversial circumstances. Is he still a member of your party?”Jim Murphy replied;

“He has been suspended from the party which is what you do when people, em. when you take action against these folk. It's the maximum action you can take”.

Glenn Campbell;

“Can you not expel him?”

SNP MP John Mason who has been calling for an inquiry into Glasgow City Council said;

"Has Steven Purcell been suspended by Labour, as indicated by Jim Murphy? This may be another gaffe by Jim Murphy, showing he doesn't know the difference between Labour's disgraced ex-leader of Glasgow City Council and their disgraced ex-candidate in Moray, Stuart MacLennan”.

Stuart MacLennan is the crazed internet fiend who was Labour Candidate for Moray before being sacked.

MacLennan, a researcher for Labour MSP Pauline McNeil and Ross Macrae, a researcher for Labour MSP Ken Macintosh put sectarianism back on the political agenda by MacLennan’s announcement on twitter of singing sectarian songs.

Both MacLennan and Macrae were among the people who campaigned in the strongly Catholic area of Glasgow North East in November 2009.

So far, the Labour MP William Bain has issued no public apology for having sectarian bigots on his team.

Sectarianism has no place in a modern Scotland.

I call on Labour MP William Bain to publicly issue an apology to the people of Glasgow North East.

Isn’t the Labour Party just so wretched and squalid?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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