Monday, April 12, 2010

Labour Councillor Jim 'the undertaker' Coleman enters the race to be leader of Glasgow City Council, will he get Willie Haughey approval to govern?

Dear All

As well as the General Election to elect MP’s to Westminster, there is another contest taking place, the race to become the next Labour leader of Glasgow City Council.

Of the four possible candidates who may fight it out, one thing is certain, the public won’t be getting a vote.

This unelected and publicly unaccountable is strictly in house for the Glasgow Labour Party Councillors.

One thing that the people can’t expect whoever is elected is transparency and accountability.

Glasgow Labour Party will be still be running the City of Glasgow for the benefit of Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors.

So, the four are;

Jim Coleman.

Paul Rooney

Gordon Matheson

Archie Graham

Yes it isn’t much of a choice is it?

So, let us start with Rooney, his pitch is;

“We need to be more open and transparent about our decision-making. Only then will we begin to address the negative perceptions and mistrust that currently clouds the excellent work that is being done in the city.”

That “excellent work” includes funnelling jobs and contracts to people connected to the Labour Party.

Rooney has all the hallmarks of a yes man.

Gordon Matheson feeble says;

“If I’ve learned anything at education and as treasurer it’s the need for brave decisions and teamwork.”

Like destroying schools and community centres in Glasgow? I really don’t think the people will take to the ‘hero of Anderson’.

Jim ‘the undertaker Coleman comes out with a standard salesman’s pitch by saying;

“The next few years are going to be very difficult for all councils with budget cuts on the way and I would redouble our efforts to deliver services more efficiently and effectively.”

As interim leader, the Glasgow Labour Councillors might want to go for a perception of a safe pair of hands so that everything is business as usual.

Last up is Archie Graham of the four; he is the only one with his face not planted in the Aleo trough.

He sits on Culture and Sport in an unpaid position which unlike the others gives him a USP.

He says;

“I have the integrity, experience, enthusiasm and ability to be able to provide the leadership required for the task.”

And that is why he kept his mouth shut about jobs and contracts going to Labour Party members’ et al?

In short, the ‘election’ of the person to serve Willie Haughey and others is like the General Election in miniature, who would be seen as the least squalid to the public.

Regardless who ‘wins’, the people of Glasgow won’t.

There are still asking for independent inquiry into where and to whom have Glasgow taxpayers’ millions gone!

So far the Glasgow Labour Party is not answering the questions.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Geez louise, City refrigeration is awarded contracts as a result of being the most efficient service provider able to offer best value for taxpayers and as a result they're crucified? Haughey employs thousands of Scots, largely in the Gorbals where jobs are needed. There is no conspiracy!
