Friday, March 5, 2010

Weak PM Gordon Brown delivers a wretched pitiful performance at Chilcot Inquiry, 'it wasn't me, it was Blair' truly pathetic

Dear All

A lot of innocent Iraqi people are dead, their country destroyed and Islamic extremism has increased.

Despite this Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said the 2003 war was "right".

So, Brown is defeating the indefensible to try and appear statesmanlike.

He says that his own intelligence briefings that Iraq was a threat that "had to be dealt with" had convinced him.

Given the evidence was falsified or sexed up; intelligence on Brown’s part was a little lacking.

Also by saying that Brown had his “own intelligence briefings” is misleading, Brown had no control of the intelligence services.

The intelligence services gave Brown a briefing because it was what Blair wanted.

Brown has come out with the standard line to justify regime change; Iraq was in breach of UN resolutions.

This is pretty weak given that other countries also are in breach of UN regulations but they aren’t getting invaded.

The notion of "rogue states" is a political invention and not a verdict passed down by an international court of law.

Brown then let slip that if the international community could not act together over Iraq, then "new world order we were trying to create would be put at risk".

New World Order means economic world order with the private bankers of west at the helm.

Brown added;

"I think it was the right decision and made for the right reasons."

Since when is regime change accepted as a valid reason for war?

The United Nations doesn’t recognise any such actions are sufficient reason to destroy a country and kill its citizens.

Of the debacle of the chaos immediately following the taking of Baghdad, Brown commented;

"It was one of my regrets that I wasn't able to be more successful in pushing the Americans on this issue - that the planning for reconstruction was essential, just the same as planning for the war."

And then of course as usual Brown said;

"I cannot take personal responsibility for everything that went wrong."

No surprise there, a man who cannot accept responsibility for anything, paymaster that funded death, mutilation and extreme hardship wants to blame anyone but himself.

On funding of troops, Brown stated;

"I said immediately to the prime minister... there should be no sense that there was any financial restraint that prevented us from doing what was best for the military."

This statement is at odds with what Geoff Hoon said about Brown cutting funding and not allowing for the procurement of essential items like body armour and helicopters.

Brown’s final parting shot;

"My role in this was not to interfere in what were very important diplomatic negotiations."

In other words, don’t blame me; it was Blair and only Blair.

The sooner there is a General Election to get rid of this wretched creature the better.

Gordon Brown is unfit to Prime Minister of Great Britain; a few weeks from now people have the opportunity to fix that particular problem.

The people of Britain have a colossal debt to the Iraqi people who died during the western ‘crusades’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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