Thursday, March 11, 2010

Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown insults British War Dead by turning up at memorials, he caused a lot of troops to die by underfunding the military

Dear All

A lot of British service personnel are dead because they didn’t have and where not provided with the proper equipment.

The British Forces were starved of funds by psychologically flawed Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Even his former Defence Minister Geoff Hoon admitted it at the Chilcot Inquiry.

Now a row has broken out as Gordon Brown and the Labour Party seek to rewrite history to paint themselves as ‘providers of everything the British troops needed’.

After the news of what Brown did at the Treasury, he has attempted to wrap himself in the British flag and visits troops.

His attempts to visits troops in this country has been less than successful with troops injured refusing to meet him and in some cases pulling the curtains round their beds when he visits hospital wards.

At present, Brown is locked in a row with senior former service chiefs over the government's record on funding.

This has resulted in a standard Labour Party smear campaign being directed against the former Defence Chief, Lord Guthrie for standing up for British Forces.

The current Defence Minister known as ‘bungling Bob’ has attempted to muddy the waters by accusing Lord Guthrie of "having an issue" with Gordon Brown.

In a recent interview on British Forces Broadcasting Service, Brown said of critics;

"I think they are wrong. To be honest, I don't think it is appropriate for people to criticise us for not providing what we did provide."

Yet again Brown deliberately tries to avoid addressing the issue of equipment not provided by using double speak to confuse people.

People know the truth, lies don’t work anymore!

Brown went on to defending himself against the use of the lightly armoured Snatch Land Rover; troops call it “moblie coffins”.

So, rather than put his hand up that British troops were not prepared or had the correct equipment we get a sickening admission of ‘how was I to know’!

Brown’s record at the Treasury speaks for itself; he didn’t give much money to defence.

The contempt for former senior forces is best reflected by the comments of Labour backbencher MPs who shouted out;

“They’re all Tories.”

They might be Tories but at least as soldiers, they were willing to die for their country.

I expect that the Labour Party and their spin doctors to continually smear people such as Guthrie and Lord Boyce because the truth is that the Labour Government and Gordon Brown cost many servicemen their lives.

And Brown has a cheek to attend memorial days given he is responsible for so many British troops dying.

He hasn’t attended a single funeral of a British serviceman in Britain.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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