Thursday, March 11, 2010

Labour MSP David Whitton shouts his mouth off about civil servant bonuses, I challenge you to bring forward a private members bill

Dear All

After creating a culture of greed and privilege the Labour Party in Scotland has done a complete about face in order to try and win over voters.

As part of their strategy they are calling for an end to Civil servants pocketing bonuses.

The award of "performance payout" was shared between about 225 Scottish Government senior civil servants between April and December of last year.

The joke is we are continually told we are paying for “talent”.

Given the state of the country does anyone believe that?

Now the Labour Party in Scotland is jumping on the bandwagon after public outcry over scandals such as the SPT and the Water Industry Commission for Scotland.

The Labour Party spent decades involved in nepotism and cronyism, now they have found a voice to speak out.

It is not just performance bonuses that have to end but also, golden handshakes, golden goodbyes and all the other trinkets these people pick when accepting a job like relocation expenses.

Labour finance spokesman David Whitton called for an end to the payouts.

Where were his and the Labour Party’s voice when they ran the Scottish Government?

It was noticeable by their deafening silence.

Mr Whitton said;

"I am astonished that the SNP Government paid over £1.3 million in bonuses to senior civil servants at the height of the recession when public services were facing budget cuts and many other workers were facing a pay freeze. Times have changed”.

Times haven’t changed; Labour had the opportunity to act for nearly a decade and ignored the people of Scotland’s suffering.

The statement by Whitton shows how a system put in place by the Labour Party senior members is attempting to be used for petty party political gain.

The Labour Party in Scotland is so morally corrupt, desperate and rotten to the core they are prepared to say and do anything to win power.

When in power, their record of failure to act speaks volumes.

This looks to me to be grandstanding for party political benefit but I challenge the Labour Party in Holyrood to bring forward a private members bill to ensure that performance bonuses et al are removed from any future civil servants contracts.

Put up or shut up Whitton, or maybe you are just all mouth!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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