Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Labour Party's lame duck EU Foreign Minister is a embarrassment, Miliband gives Ashton lessons on how do her job, resign is best option

Dear All

It seems that the Labour Party is finally recognising that EU Foreign Minister, Baroness Ashton of Upholland is a complete dud, totally out of her depth.

Since taking the job as EU Foreign Minister, Ashton has lurched from crisis to crisis with members states particularly the French exposing her as useless and ineffective.

Viva la France!

How bad is Ashton?

David Miliband sent her a letter on ‘how to do your job’.

Ashton is effectively a Labour apparatchik with a background in the quango circuit, why she was picked is a mystery and a mistake.

At present there is concern that she is in danger of losing Brussels power struggle over the scope of her empire.

It is of annoyance to other member states that she wants to recruit a ‘British’ EU Foreign service hence the continual infighting that surrounds her.

Miliband went on to lecture her on that the current infighting between European institutions is unhealthy and that the Commission may try to take control of large parts of the fledgeling foreign service away from her.

He writes she needs to expand her activities with EU missions in capitals such as Delhi, Islamabad, Beijing and Brasilia.

The Haiti crisis was a wake up call for the EU as Ashton famously said;

“I’m neither a doctor nor a fireman.”

This should have been her debut to take the world stage and she fluffed it badly.

Although Miliband says his letter to Ashton is support it is effectively another nail in the coffin of her lacklustre career.

In such a short space of time she has been accused of poor decision-making and lack of visibility, in criticism led by French ministers and newspapers.

Other EU nations have since expressed reservations about her abilities to do the job that is required by the responsibilities of the post.

The removal of Ashton is a question of when not if, she is completely out of her depth and unsuitable for the role, she is a quangocrat, a little cog in a machine, she doesn’t understand the wider picture.

The EU Foreign Service needs an operator not someone who is 9 to 5 and on the Euro star to get back to London as soon as.

It is said that Ashton spends more time on the Euro star than in her office, expect ‘more trouble at mill’ Ashton hasn’t got it upstairs.

The first holder of the post of EU Foreign Minister and she made a dog’s breakfast of it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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